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Chapter 3

Hiryu came outside. "I herd that you have a new power."

"Yeah. I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"I know you didn't." He twisted my hair. "She forgives you, if you won't hurt her again."


"I want to see your new power."

"Fine." I transformed, took a deep breath in and exhaled. A beautiful butterfly fluttered out of my hands.

"That's cool. The only problem is that you can't make more and you don't know how to control it."

"That's true. I need more practice. Where's Kasai?" I looked around.

"He's taking a royal nap. You wanna go inside?"

" 'Kay." I held his hands as he walked me over to the door.


Okami was waiting for us near our room. She was actually sitting down staring at her bloody finger.

I herd her whisper to herself. "I just did my nails. Damn human, now I need to wait until it grows back- Oh hey, Sakae! I didn't see you there." She stood up. "I got locked out of Kasai's room and I don't want to wake him up because he'll get cranky and bite me."

"Hi, I'm sorry that I did that to your finger."

"It's okay. I shouldn't have never touched the butterfly bomb." She held out her finger. "You can try to heal it if you want."

I looked at Hiryu in concern, and he just shrugged. "Uhh. How about another day?" I said.

"Fine then." She put her hands to her side. "Are you guys leaving soon?"

"Yeah. We came to say goodbye, we're going to my house right now."

"When you guys coming back?"

"I don't know. We would like to leave you guys alone because you need more privacy. We'll be back in like 3 days or so."

"Okay, bye I guess." She hugged me. "Nice meeting you, Sakae."

"Let's go say bye to Kasai real quick." Hiryu said. "I would love to wake him up from his nap."

We walked towards his room and knocked on his door. "Kasai, we're coming in now." I opened the door. "Kasai?" He was still sleeping.

"Kasai wake up!" Hiryu hit his head softly.

Kasai lifted his head up. "WHO IN HELL WOKE ME UP?!" He glared at Hiryu. "Oh it's the stupid dragon. What do you want?"

"We're here to say goodbye. We're coming back in about 3 days."

"Is Sakae here?"

"Yeah." I walked up to him and kneeled down to be shorter than him. "Bye Kasai. We won't abandon you this time."

He kissed my forehead. "Bye then, come back if you see anything strange."

Hiryu jerked his fist in his scalp. "Don't kiss my girlfriend. See ya, idiot."

We left his room and closed the door behind us.


We have arrived at my house. "We're back." I shouted once I came in.

"Oh hello Sakae! Hi Hiryu! Mom and dad are not home right now, there at a meeting for taxes and stuff." Xuki grew up so much since she was small. Her hair is now longer, she grew in height, and she's more mature.

"I've just noticed, why are Sakae's eyes purple while yours is hazel?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe 'cause she can do magic. She pulled on my arm. Can you do that trick again?"

"Which one?"

"The one when you get a cherry and you turn it into a mini cherry blossom tree?"

"Maybe tomorrow, okay?"

"Fine. I'll be upstairs, mom said you can go in and out of the house when ever you want and come back when ever you want." She ran up the stairs. "Don't eat the lemon pudding!"

Kai came from outside with a fish in her mouth. "Oh hey guys, I didn't see you there." Kai started to talk our language after I found out she could.

"Hey Kai. What's up?" Hiryu asked.

Kai turned into her human form. "Nothing much."

I stared at the fish. "Is that a red snapper?"

"Mmhm. I'm going to make sushi tonight. Hiryu are you spending the night?" She put the fish on the nearest table.

"Yeah. I would like sushi, too. Please."

"Anything for my owner's boyfriend. So how's your relationship going?"

"Good. We're taking it slow." Hiryu said. "Did you know that Kasai has a girlfriend?"

"Yeah." She got angry. " I hate her. She's...ugh!"

"Are you jealous?"

"Oh no! I just don't like her."

"Is it because you both are wolf-dogs?"

"Uhh... Yeah, sorta." She took the fish. "I better start fixing up dinner before 7." She went to the kitchen.

"I'm going to take a shower, I'll be out soon." I ran upstairs and took my towel from my hook. I entered the bathroom, too bad the lock is broken.


As I wrapped my towel around me, I noticed a huge water bug on the toilet seat.

"Eww!" I swatted my towel at it and it flew on my hair. "Ah! Get off!"

"No! You smell good!" The water bug talked!

"What type of bug are you? The pervert kind?" I took him off and placed him on my hand.

"No. I am a messenger beetle, we're magical beetles that only sends messages from a king. I'm one of the hundreds of beetles in Kasai's Castle."


"Yup. You're Sakae right? Kasai said that you should meet him at his Castle before sunrise the day after tomorrow."

"In the dark? Is he sure?"

"It's his orders. Bye now." He flew out the window.

The bathroom door slammed open. "What happened Sakae?! I heard you scream-"

I quickly got my towel to cover myself. "Hiryu!?" My face turned completely red. "You haven't thought of knocking on the door first?"

"I'm sorry." Then he turned completely red. "I just thought you was in danger."

"It's okay, it's not like you've seen a woman's body the first time."

"This is my first time..."

What? I thought he wasn't a virgin.
"I thought you... never mind. Close the door please."

"Okay. Bye." He softly closed the door.

Word count: 1040

Fact : Hiryu and her old girlfriend, Ai, were together for 3 years and promised to never have sexual intercourse.

Sayōnara people,
-Tianna ✌️

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