Evil Surprise

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Chapter 19

Sakae's pov


It was raining, no, it was pouring. The leaves on the tree drooped, the grass was full of water, and there was lound crashes from the sky. I heard screaming from someone, Hiryu?

I couldn't move, my vision went pitch black, I stood still in one spot just getting drenched. I heard a pattern; scream, crash, scream, crash-

Then it stopped, and I started to cry. I sobbed and flared my nose in anger. Why am I angry?

I heard laughs, Akuma's laugh. It got louder, but he suddenly stopped I heard him whisper in my ear, "Having a bad vison Sakae?"

How in the world could he read my dreams?

"You're so cute when you are sleeping," I felt him trace my face with his fingers.

"Let me see you!" I yelled.

He appeared before me, "how many times I told you not to command me?" He walked closer and grabbed my waist.

"Let go!" I slapped his hands off.

"The good thing about dreams is that I can appear and make you feel everything I do to you even though it's not real." He took my chin and kissed my lips, forcing tongue into my mouth.

Stop! He didn't listen and continued. He wrapped his arm around my back so I couldn't escape.

I tried to tell him to stop, "Akuma! Stop!" But it sounded like a moan.

He smiled and let me go. "Fine, continue dreaming, I'm going to kill two special people in a second." He disappeared into the darkness.

Week 2 day 1

I popped open my eyes to reality, Akuma's head was above me. "Good morning!" He took my hand and lifted me up from bed, humming a tune.

"Why are you so happy?"I wiped the tears out of my eyes.

"Hurry and change and you will see~" he walked out of the room still humming.

After I change and cleansed myself, I met Akuma at the dinning hall. He was wearing all black with white stub earings and black nail polish.

He was singing the same song, the song made me afraid that he might do something evil. Very evil.

"What song are you singing?" I asked as he took my hand.

"Another song I learned in hell," he smirked and gripped tightly on my hand, "That's where we going today."

"What?!" My arm struggled to break free.

He let out a small chuckle, "I'm just kidding! It is a surprise," he let go of my hand, "just follow me." He practicality skipped his way down 3 flights of stairs, still humming his song.

As we went down, it grew darker and there was more ancient technology than modern, like tourches instead of light bulbs.

As soon as I saw a cobweb, I got scared, "Ah... Akuma, at least tell me where we are."

"Hehe," he looked back at me, what scares me is that his eyes were glowimg a scarlet color in the dark. "It's a secret."

He took out some keys, "please transform Sakae, I refuse to hold your hand when you see something ghastly."

I transformed, "What does ghastly even mean?" My vocabulary is very small just because I basically skipped all of middle school and high school.

He opened the door, "you'll see what it means."

As we walked inside, I smelled blood. Actually, I see it smeared all over the walls, floors, and the prison bars. Then we passed by skeletons, other demons, and corpses.

"Psst!" I turned around and saw a woman with half of her face off nearly touching me. She reached out to me as if I was a savior, "you have to help me! I don't wanna die in here, please-"

Akuma instantaneously kicked her so hard that it broke through her skull. "Die already."

I kept walking even though I was disturbed by what happened. Where the hell am i?

There was a metal door at the end with English or Spanish letters. He stopped walking before opening the door, "this is the place." Torcher

I broke sweat, "Kasai taught me a little bit of English." I slowly tried to pronounce the words "tor-ch-er roam?"

"Close, it says torcher room in English," he evily smiled, "i usually give Japanese or Chinese torcher, but i kinda mixed it up a little bit."

"Why are you..."

He ignored my confused response, "First I use the Chinese method of flaying or death by a thousand cuts, cutting off the first layer of skin only on their feets and hands, then I asked them questions, but they didn't answer so I drowned them."

"Who are you talking about?" I was at a point that I was nervous to find out the truth.

He unlocked the door and quickly lit up the tourches. I saw two people on the floor, bloody and wet. One had long brown hair and the other short brown hair.... I started to silently tear.

I covered my mouth trying not to throw up my emotions. Instead, I ended up screaming and falling to the floor on my knees. Akuma was just starting at me, grinning evily, watching all of this play out.

I glared at him with blury, watery eyes. Why? Why did you kill my parents?

Word count: 680

Fact: The Chinese method is true, seach it up for yourself.

You're probably cursing me out right now asking me for more, I just wanted to tease you guys and I need to sleep.^-^

Thanks for 2k+ reads on the first book and 500+ reads on this book. :) please read my black butler fanfic which will be released on Monday. Sayounara! -Tianna

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