The Ball

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Chapter 14

Day 6

"Hey Sakae." Kasai woke me and Hiryu up with his alarming voice. He waved a pink bra in front of me. "Can I keep this?"

I rubbed the morning tears out of my eyes. I blinked twice at him. "I don't care- wait! That's mine!

"I know." He said. "This is a big bra. What size is it?" His face turned bright red as he read the tag. "I'm definitely keeping this!"

I also turned red. Hiryu got angry, "what the hell are you doing in here?! And how did you get in?"

"First of all, I have the keys to all the rooms. Second of all, you guys overslept." He picked up my panties."You guys finally-"

"Get out!" I yelled at him. "Mind your own business!" I threw a pillow at him, but I missed.

"Can I stay to watch you change, Sakae? " he pouted.


"Fine." He took my underwear. "I'll take these and add them to my collection." He paused, "Oh and Hiryu, I need to talk to you after you get changed." He shut the door.

I sighed and went back to sleep.

Hiryu's pov

I changed into my clothes and went outside the door. "What stupid?"

Kasai got angry. "You're the one who's stupid." He fixed the crown on his head.

For a king, he does act like an idiot.

"I could read minds you know." He rolled his red eyes under his white eyelashes. "Anyways, I could tell you don't know how to dance. So I'm going to give you lessons."

"Why do I need to-" I then remembered that he had a ball today. "Fine."

He peeked through the door of my room. "Is she going to change yet?"

I punched his nose and he started bleeding. "You wanted a nosebleed and there you got one."

He took out a napkin. "I didn't want one from you." He gave me a foul look.

I took Sakae's underwear and threw it back in the room.


I dragged him by his his arm. "Let's go."


"1, 2, 3...1,2,3...1- ow! My foot!"Kasai scolded.

"I'm sorry."

He stopped dancing. "How do you not know how to dance the waltz?"

"Because I wasn't born rich."

"But don't you have a car and an apartment in the city??" He asked.

"Well yeah, because I ran away and I had to make money to get shelter, then I burned it up because I didn't pay rent." I gave him a confused look,"What does that have to with me learning the waltz?"

"Ugh never mind." He grabbed my hand. "Again."

I moved my foot up then right in three steps and down then left. About 4 hours pasted and I finally got the hand of it.

"Finally!" Kasai said with his face lit up with joy, but he looked down at his dress and frowned.

"It was your idea..."

"What- oh. I'm just upset that I didn't get to wear the wig." He twirled around. "Let's go get ready for the ball!"

Sakae's Pov

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