Walking to Kasai's Castle On a Snowy Night

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Chapter 6
I woke up to Kai's voice. "Hey guys, it's 3:00. Wake up".

I let out a big yawn. "Huh? Oh, right." I got up. "Kai, do you have any thing I could wear? Any thing comfortable?"

"You slept in your underwear, didn't you?"

"I had no choice, I need to sleep comfortably and it was dirty. Hiryu did the same."

"Uh," she looked through her drawer. "I have a sweater and a pair jeans. From the looks of it," she looked out the window. "it's supposed to snow by 6:00 tomorrow morning."

"Really?" Hiryu leaped out of his bed.

Kai covered her eyes. "I thought he was wearing a t-shirt."

"Oh, I'm sorry." He put on his sweater. "I'm gonna use the bathroom." He walked away.

"Sakae, you're about to bump into the wall."

"Really? I can't see!" I waved my hands in front of me, I felt a flat surface. "It's pitch black in here".

"I could see everything because all wolves have night vision."

I put on the sweater and jeans. "Cool. I wish I wish I could produce light or see in the dark."

"I'm pretty sure you can sooner or later." She took my sword and placed it in my hands. "Here."

"I'm ready." Hiryu whispered. "Kage gave me gloves." He gave a pair to me.

"Where are you Hiryu? I can't see!" I waved my hands in front of me.

"I'm here, honey." He turned me around. I felt his warm breath on my face.

"Lead me the way down stairs."

All of us made our way down stairs. I bumped into many things, hit my toe on the wall, and nearly tripped down the stairs, but I've survived the whole way down.

"Okay guys," Kai whispered. "This is the moment you have to keep your eyes peeled for any zombies or ghosts."

We walked outside.

"Sakae," Hiryu whispered. "It may be best if I would carry you on my back."

I nodded.

He lifted me up on his back.

"We're near the back of the kingdom." Kai whispered. "There should be a tunnel along the walls follow my-" Suddenly, she screamed.

"What's wrong." A woman said. "Don't like blood? That's too bad, you're gonna be bloody once I'm through with you."

Hiryu took my sword and swung it. I heard a horrific scream.

"What's happening? I can't see!" I complained.

"Use your freek'n amulet to see." He said. "If you transform, the gem on your head will glow or something."

"Really?" I hopped off of his back and transformed. The gem shined a pretty lavender light ahead of me. "Cool. Can you still carry me?"

He sarcastically laughed. "No."

We followed Kai to the back of the kingdom. She moved the shrubs aside. "Okay jump in this hole and follow me."


We was walking for a long time. According to Kai, we cannot fly in the air because we could attract more monsters. I've been attacked twice, Hiryu has been attacked once, and Kai has been attacked five times.

"Do you see that?" Hiryu said with a smile. He held his hands out.

"What?" I asked.

"It's snow!" He stuck his tongue out like a little child. "Yay!"

"I haven't seen you this excited since our first date." I laughed at his silliness. "You're too cute."

"I'm going to watch you guys play for a while. " she climbed up a tree and sat on a branch. "I'm going to take a break."

"I'm too cute?" Hiryu laughed. "If anyone's cute, it's you." He held my hips.

"No I'm not." I put his arms around his neck.

"Yes you are. I could give you many examples. Like how you smile, how you scrunch up your nose when you get angry, how you laugh, how you blush, and the way you kiss me makes me want to kiss you more."

"Now that was cute." I softly kissed his lips.

He responded by kissing me back, holding me by the shoulders, and then my face.

"Sorry to interrupt guys." Kai jumped down the tree. "But I have noticed that you guys are getting very serious."

"Really?" I asked.

"You haven't noticed anyways. You both hang out with each other 24/7, you guys slept together, even with underwear on, and you seriously kiss each other."

"I thought we were taking things slow." Hiryu said.

"Hey, I'm not telling you to stop or to slow down. If you're comfortable with it then keep going the same pace." She started walking ahead.

"Are you comfortable, Sakae?" He asked.

"Very." I smiled at him.

He awkwardly blushed and smiled back. "I am too." He held my hand as we followed Kai.

The snow of fall told us that it was the beginning of winter, one of the happiest seasons of all.


Word count: 838

Fact: Japan has very cold winters and very hot summers.

Sorry for the late update, I went shopping. I'll update on Wednesday.
-Tianna 👋🏾❄️🌙

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