Sakae versus Kasai

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Chapter 9

Day 2

Yesterday, Kasai and Hiryu had a fight. And so did Kai and Okami. Hiryu is still upset that he lost and that he has a K on his neck. Kai won her battle against Okami and Okami is upset so she stayed in her room. Kai is in her 3 days of hibernation.

Today, Kasai is going to fight me to check out my skills.

"Are you serious?" Hiryu was lying on his snow angle, looking up from me in his human form with his hoodie completely filled with snow.

"Yeah." I was sitting on the snow with a double layered fur coat . "He said he's going to meet me outside at 4:30."

He looked at the sun."It's almost 4:30 and the sun is nearly at the horizon. Sun set is at 4:45..."

"Oh don't worry, It wouldn't be over for more than 5 minutes. I'm weaker then you anyways." I passed my fingers through his hair.

"No you're not, you have powers in you, but you're not full of fear and wisdom to let it out. In fact, you're stronger than Akuma if you trained for 50,000 years."

Kasai came out of nowhere and poked Hiryu on the head with his nail. "Good afternoon, dragon. Please get out of the area."

Hiryu slapped his hand and rolled away 15 feet away from us.

"Ready to shed blood, Sakae? I'm going all out, full power, on you." He cracked his knuckles, his neck, and his spine. He started stretching.

I swallowed. "But... I don't have as much powers-"

"I won't transform unless you're ready." Kasai winked. "If you loose, I'll carve a k on your boob."

"Please don't." I said.

"I was just messing with you... Not." He laughed. "So you ready?" He put up his long black sleeves and took off his shoes to let his toes touch the snow.

I threw my coat on the floor. I was wearing long black jeans and a white longs sleeve shirt with sneakers. "Okay."

He grew long blades out of his lower arms and ran towards me in lighting speed. He nearly sliced my head off, but I did a back flip and kicked his left arm.

"Are you crazy?" I said with an angry look on my face. I felt blood trickle down my cheek.

"Don't believe that I can't kill you. I will if I have to." He high kicked the side of my ribs.

You gotta be kidding me! I fell to the ground. I guess I have to fight with all my might. I quickly kicked my self up and ran backwards.

He put his blades back and made a sword out of back magic. He ran towards me again.

I quickly transformed and put my right hand out, releasing a purple energy blast. He used his sword and cut it in half. He glowed his eyes at me, temporarily blinding me.

"Agh! I can't see." I ran backwards and kicked with all my might. Luckily, I kicked him.

I rubbed my eyes and opened them, my sight came back. Kasai licked the blood that was on his lips, but who's blood? I then felt a sharp pain on my leg. He bit me when I kicked him!

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