Akuma's surprise

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Chapter 18
Hiryu's Pov

For the past 2 nights, I haven't got any sleep, I was just up in sorrow smoking the cigarettes pack by pack. Kasai came in my room with blood on his clothes and hair.

"Hey dragon." Kasai kicked aside the boxes of cigarettes, "don't you think you should stop? If it's not helping you, then stop smoking." He slapped the cigarette out of my hand and stepped on it. "No more!"

I blew out smoke,"Hey!"

"Sorry, but it got you a little addicted. Help me clean up this mess, will you?" He started cleaning up and I cleaned up with him.

"I should go to bed," I told him as I sat on the windowsill.

"Yeah, it's midnight. I'll go and see if Okami's okay, she's in the hospital again." He almost made it out the door until I stopped him.

"What happened to her?"

"I can't tell you." He looked at my upset face, "But, I guess since you're gonna die soon, I can tell you." He whispered in my ear, "I got Okami pregnant."

"Are you serious?" I yelled to the top of my lungs.

"Shhh!" He put his finger on his lips. "Don't talk about this to anyone else or else I'll eat you alive."

"Okay, okay. How many days have she been pregnant?" I was frightened half to death with his statement.

"The day after you met Okami." He had a small smile on his face, but then he frowned.

"Why are you anger-" Kasai covered my mouth with his hands.

He closely listened, "You hear that?" He looked out the window.

I shook my head, stood up, and then looked through the window. Kasai quickly took me and threw me to the corner. Thud!

"Ow! What the fu-"

The windows broke as i saw a figure make his way inside.

No! Not him again!

Kasai dared to stand face to face with him. "Why are you here, têtê bite?" French for d*ck head.

"I just came here to tell you something very important. Guess what it is."

I smelled Sakae on him. "What did you do to Sakae? Why do you have blood on your hair and clothes?"

He looked down at his clothes as if it wasn't there before. "Damn Sakae, she damaged my favorite white jaket. Anyways, I punished her already and she's going into a deep sleep for around 6 days to heal up her wounds. I told her two, but i had to lie to her."

"What the hell did you do to her?" I clenched my fists.

"I punished her with a horse whip." He took it out from behind his back, "It ripped through her skin each time."

Sakae, please be alright. I bit on my tounge to stop myself from cursing at him.

Kasai didn't conseal his anger and kicked Akuma on his neck.

Akuma fell to the floor and grind. "You got weaker, father." He stood up.

"What's the real reason that you're here?" Kasai's eyes glowed in anger, "hurry up and spit it out so you can leave."

"I'm inviting you to my wedding next Sunday, two days after Sakae wakes up." He sat on the bed.

"I would expect that you would do it right after she wakes up, how come you're going to wait two extra days?"

He laughed evily. "That's the other important thing, I'll show her something that will make her break out into tears and make her hate me even more."

"Why do you want her to hate you?"

"Because," he stood up, "I want test her actual ablities after I take away her powers."

"Wait a minute! But you can kill her like that!" I yelled.

"Oh really?" He said sarcastically. "It's not my fault if she's a weak nymph god." He shrugged his shoulders and made his way out the window.

I ran to him and pulled on his jaket, "nymph god?!"

"Yup, that's why I despise her, but like her at the same time." He hopped out the window and walked out into the trees.

Kasai scratched the back of his head. "Is it me or he's either excited or sad...?"

I walked over to my bed. "I don't know, but I do know that he's insane."



"Daddy! Daddy!" A 3 year old boy with black-blue hair ran behind me. We were outside at the beach and he was running away from a 7 year old girl with dark brown hair and a 9 year old boy with white hair.

Who are these people? The white haired boy chased after the, boy who was probably my son with, a crab. He shouted, "Koji! Don't be afraid! Its only a crab, right Tatsu?"

The girl held on to her hat as she ran up to me. Her grey-blue eyes screamed for excitement, "Daddy, I wanna show you something!"

"Okay, sweetie." I placed my hand over my son's head.

Tatsu turned into a grey dragon and then ate the crab whole then transformed back into her human form.

The boy with the white hair screamed in excitement, his red eyes glistened in the sun. "Cool, right!"

Koji looked up at me with his purple eyes. "They scare me."

He's so cute! "Where's everyone else?"

"Mother is hiding in the umbrella with onii-chan, Kasai-sama, and Okami-sama." Sama means someone higher then you. Onii means older brother.

Sakae waved at us from a far, her hair was long, same purple eyes, but different strength, one greater than anyone I have encountered.

I blew her a kiss and she giggled, just like always.


Word count: 917

Fact: Kai is currently making the poison for the honey moon

To be continued...

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