Goddess versus Demon King

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I thought I published this on Saturday night -.- Wattpad gets me mad at times, sorry guys.

Chapter 22

Imagine that your an ant and you encounter a very tall adolescent, around ten feet tall to be exact. Now, let's describe what this adolescent will do to you; rip your arms off, kill your queen, and then step on her all because he's a devil king. Let's describe the ant; Small, helpless, abused, and angry all because she's a goddess. Does the ant deserves to die all because she posses such strength to live through her pain? Am I, the ant, supposed to fight?

Akuma laughed at my reaction, "What if I blow out all of the torches to make you transform?" At the snap of his fingers, the torches blew out.
All I could see was Akuma's scarlet eyes and his teeth grinning in the dark. "Do you know what's 10 times better than blood? The whole body; soul, power, knolage, basically everything. Especially from a goddess." He licked his lips.

A devil rose up from the crowd of 7 devils and spoke, "the rules are that the winner gets to receive any wish from the loser, the loser has to obey the wish. The wish cannot involve murdering the loser, bringing someone back to life, nor to possess the loser's powers. Durring the fight, there is no killing involved. You will get healed all at the end."

I transformed, but I wore different clothes. Instead of a purple mini dress, I had green vines that covered my top and black mini skirt. My hair was all the way to my butt, still brown. I was wearing ankle black boots and stood 6 feet tall, even though that's not a huge difference.

The devil snapped his fingers, the red fire on the touches came back on. "Begin, goddess first move."

What am I supposed to do?! This form is different to my body. I took a step foward.

"You leveled up, so you got more powers. Do something so that the battle can start?" He grew impatient.

I decided to charge at him in full speed and use a sword to stab his leg, but he kicked me away.

"This isn't fair, you're way smaller than me," he pouted. " The only way I could pin you down is by returning back to normal." He transformed.

"Female opponent must change back as well." The devil yelled.

I struggled to get on my feet and transformed, my gem was glowing
Stupid Akuma always trying to have fun, I wish he can just die-

Akuma glared at me, "your move, goddess."

I made a sword and threw it to his head, he caught it as I ran towards him. He tried to punch me, but I quickly jumped over him and kick his arm at rapid speed.

I landed behind him and tried to kick him, but all of a sudden, he teleported behind me.

"Which is better," he whispered in my ear, "your moans or screams?"

Shivers went down my back, I ran a distance of 10 feet away. I felt breathing down my neck and then arms wrapped around my ribs.

"Let's test out screaming," with his blade-sharp nail, he cut through my kimono and cut open my skin. I shrieked as I felt blood trickle down my stomach.

"Now a moan," he slid his fingers slowly down to my lower stomache. I squirmed and struggled to get away. His finger ran closer. And closer. I covered my mouth to not give him what he please, but he took them away. He lifted up my kinono, a slim finger slowly rubbed against my area. My body spasmed in his arm as I let out a soft moan.

"It's better than I have expected."

He's a little like his father- that's how I'll beat him!

He let me go, "I'll like to see you try"

Is it me or it is hot outside? I took off a layer of fabric on my kimono.

"How is that supposed to-" his eyes widened, he figured out my trap.

Talking may do something to him. "Ah, I'm still hot~" Why is this the only way I could think of?

He crossed his arms as I exposed the very bottom layer of my clothing. His face turned very red from seeing what's under the white kimono.

"Akuma~" I walked towards him, "help me take this last one off."

Akuma backed up and hesitated.

I lifted up a foot and kicked him in the genitals, as hard as I could. He fell to the ground , groaning.

I took my sword and almost sliced him, but he caught the sword with his bare hands before I struck his head. "You f***ing b****! When I win this, my wish is going to be something that you'll remember!" Blood dripped from his palm.

With the blood on his fingers, he created small little bullets and created a gun with his hands. He shot a blood bullet in the area near my heart. His blood race through mine, fighting against each other.

His blood reached my other internal organs, it made me throw up black blood. I couldn't stop throwing up.

I heard a loud whip and felt a harsh sting on my rear. Another on my back. I choked on some blood, trying to let out screams.

"Surrender, b****!" He continued whipping me, I fell to my side.

Help! Help!

The vomits stopped, but the whipping continued. "Call my name, ask for mercy!"

The moment it hit my face, I made the loudest cry.

He pinned me down, "Call my name or I'll devour you completely."

" Aku-Akuma," I moaned. "A-Akuma, Akuma! Stop! Please! No more!"

" The goddess has surrendered! The winner is the Devil King!" All the devils chanted as I laid on the dirt, probably bleeding to death.


Word count: 969

Fact: Sakae got stronger because of the death of her parents.

*yawns* it's 3:00 or technically 4 if the time never gone back. Oh well, f*** my eye bags!

Ps: thank for 800 reads and almost 100 reads on chapter 1 ^-^

Have a good week,
Tianna ♡♡♡

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