The Tour of Kasai's Castle

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Chapter 11

Day 4

I let out a huge yawn as I woke up in the morning. I rubbed my eyes and saw a set of red ones.

"Morning Sakae." I realized that Kasai was on top of me.

"What the hell are you doing on top of me? Who let you in?"

"I let myself in, it's my castle anyways."

I heard a yawn from Hiryu. He has woken up. "Kasai? Why are you on top of Sakae?"

"Damn it I forgot that you were here. Since you're up anyways, get ready because it's time for my tour!"

Me and Hiryu looked at each other.m and rolled our eyes. "Fine."

⭐️After Breakfast⭐️

We were outside of the entrance of the castle with snow hitting our face.

My teeth chattered. "W-hat are we doing outside when there's a blizzard?! It's freak'n -20 degrees out here!" I looked at Hiryu and Kasai, with only a sweater on while I have a thick 4 layer coat on. "And how are you guys not cold?!"

"It's not cold, Sakae." Kasai said. "Not even for Hiryu just because he's a snow dragon and I'm a demon."

"Let's just go inside- please!" I felt my nose lose warmth. " Remember that I'm a human."

"Okay, where will we go first? Pick a number, 1 through 6."

"How about 6, I actually don't care." I said crossing my arms in anger.

"The devil's number? To the hell floor!" Kasai grabbed my hand and dragged me to a door that had the number 6.

"Why is the door outside?" Hiryu asked.

"So I could bring a slave in here or out without them touching my main stairs." Kasai opened the door with his dark magic and led us down the 4 flights of stairs.

"I can't see!" I tripped and fell on top of Hiryu.

Kasai opened another door and red light shined from it. "We're here."

All the men in black, hell's men as I call them, bowed down.

The horrific scene made me shut my eyes. Before I did, a saw people hanged from a metal chain, blood everywhere, body parts cut off, and skeletons of little children.

"Kasai! Why would you show this to Sakae!" He patted my head.

"Well then don't look." He growled. "Anyways, this is my hell before hell, meaning that if you break the law very badly, then you go here to suffer and die. Even little kids murder others on a day their not supposed to and they end up in here." Kasai turned around to face us behind him. "Let's go now. "

Kasai shut the door behind him. "Let's go to the floor underneath the first, the dungeons, torture room, and the killing room-"

"No more!" I stomped my foot on the snow. "No more horrifying stuff."

"Fine, you're going to miss out on the lava fountain." He cursed under his breath. "Let's go through the main entrance, doors 1 and 2." He lead us up the huge stairs. "Have you seen this part of my castle?"

"Yeah." I said. "But I never walked up these stairs."

"That's because I always pop out of door 4 for my friends and stuff. Doors one and two leads the people to my throne room, my meeting rooms,my paper room, and etcetera." He walked inside. "We can't go there now because my throne room is under construction and there's a meeting in the meeting room. Also the paper room is only filled with mail, requests, laws, and junk. Let's go to the ball room."

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