Ch 3 getting away from it all

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ch 3 getting away from it all

    Spike ran deep into the Everfree forest ignoring the cries from his friends. He ran until he couldn't run anymore. He leaned against a tree and thought over on what just happened.

    "Fuck! What have I gotten myself into?" he said out loud to himself.

    "Is this what i really want? To be a yes man to a lady who only cares about herself? Goddammit!" he yelled punching the bark off a nearby tree.

    "Sounds like someone's having trouble with the misses I see" a voice said out of nowhere

    Spike groaned knowing exactly who it was. A man popped out of thin air and floated in front of Spike. He was composed of different animals parts, yellow eyes with red pupils, and smug smirk on his face. It was the lord of chaos himself, Discord. He wore a red shirt, gray pants, a brown shoe on one foot and a black shoe on the other. Even though he was reformed, thanks to Fluttershy, Spike still didn't trust him too well.

    "What do you want Discord?" Spike asked annoyed and irritated.

    "Well I heard of your so called "Dilemma" and I thought could lend a helping hand" he said, landing a few feet from Spike

" Hm, can you turn back time so I can fix this crap?" Spike asked sarcastically

"Well no I can't do that my silly young drake. But what I can do is take you somewhere else if you want" Discord offered.

    Spike looked at him with a puzzling look

    "What do you mean "somewhere else"?" he asked taking a few steps towards him.

"I mean, I can take you to another dimension so you can get away from all this and practically forget it ever happened." he said with slight chaotic smile

"Imagine; A place where you can do whatever you want when you want. A chance to start over become whoever you want, and have people praise you instead of being someone's whipping boy." he said as explained,cracking a whip that he conjured up out of thin air.

Spike liked the sound of that as he began thinking about who he could be.

"Hmm, that does sound good. No drama, no responsibilities. What would I have to do?" Spike asked

"Nothing at all my friend, all you have to do is step through the portal and off you go!" Discord said conjuring up a portal.

"Spike! Spike! where are you?! Twilight shouted

Spike heard the girls calling his name and heard their footsteps getting closer.

"What'll it be Spike? Go back home to you redundant everyday life? Or step through the portal to a world of adventure and become a hero? You have 30 seconds before the girls show up" Discord said while looking at his pocket watch

Spike knew he didn't want to go home yet. He was tired of the same things he did everyday and anywhere was better than here.

"Fuck it i'm going" Spike said without hesitation and step towards the portal.

"That's the spirit!" Discord said with an chaotic smile

"Oh by the way, good luck out there! Try not to die or piss off the locals"

This got Spike attention

"Wait? What?" Spike asked him but it was too late.

"Spike?" Twilight said coming through the bushes with the rest of the girls, minus Rarity.

"Discord? What are you doing out here? Have you seen Spike anywhere? she asked him.

"Hmm. Nope! Haven't seen him." he said hiding a smirk

Spikes quest: an MLP fanficWhere stories live. Discover now