Ch 6 vault 106

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Spike dragged 101 by his arms further into the abandoned vault. Judging by the look of it, it had been abandoned for decades. He took him into a supply room and laid him on the table. Spike looked at the wound, it went clear through his side as he tried to stop the bleeding.

"101 come on, stay with me. You gotta tell me what to do." Spike said frantically shaking him.

"Gotta...clean it. Use the Stimpaks." 101 said through the pain.

He nodded as he pulled the vodka out of his bag and poured it all over the wound. 101 gritted his teeth in pain as Spike cleaned and wrapped it. He looked in one of the pouches on 101's belt to find the stimpaks were destroyed from the bullet. He cussed as he pulled out a dose of Med-X.

"Come on 101, stay with me." Spike said shaking him awake "The stimpaks were destroyed. Where can I find more?"

"Try the medical bay. Follow the signs" he said before losing consciousness.

Spike nodded as he gave him half a dose of Med-X before walking out the door. He closed it and barred it from the outside. He hoped the bandages and pain killer would buy him some time while he looked around the vault for supplies.

"Hang in there buddy, I'll be back soon." Spike muttered as he started looking around.

He looked along the walls taking note of the torn and faded propaganda and advertisements. He frowned thinking of what this place used to be like with hundreds of families waiting out the nuclear apocalypse. He was looking in a storage closet when he heard giggling coming from the hall. He coughed lightly as he poked his head out to see a glimpse of curly pink head go through a doorway.

"Catch me if you caaan!" She sang in a high pitch voice.

"Pinkie Pie?" Spike thought to himself as he jogged down the hall and through the door.

He walked into what looked like a kitchen. There was kitchenware everywhere along with spoiled food. Spike saw blood on the counter as he slowly drew his pistol and walked towards it. He heard giggling from behind the counter. Suddenly a girl popped out from behind the counter and slashed Spikes forearm with a large kitchen knife. Spike jumped back holding his bleeding arm as she walked out from behind the counter. She eerily looked like Pinkie Pie, but the difference was the girl in front of him had pasty white skin, dull lifeless blue eyes with flat pink hair covering half her face. She wore a dirty faded blue jumpsuit and black boots. She gripped the sharp bloody knife as she grinned at him maniacally.

"Time to make cupcakes!" She exclaimed charging at Spike ready to stab him.

Spike shot her twice in the heart as she fell with a thud. He wrapped his arm with a rag he had as he searched the body.

"Holy shit. What the hell is going on in this place?" he thought as he searched her pockets.

He cussed as he threw her body down but stopped when he heard a metallic clunk hit the floor. He looked at her arm and saw a Pipboy attached to her wrist! He grinned knowing it would help him find the med bay faster. He tried to yank it off her wrist but wouldn't budge. He then tried to pick the lock but that didn't work either. He knew time was running out, he picked up the knife she was holding and used it to hack off her hand then slide it off her wrist. He attached the device to his wrist and it lit up immediately. He looked at the dusty screen at a map to see the med bay was right under him. He ran out the door and down the stairs as he reached the medical bay. He looked around for thread, a needle, and stimpaks. He found two stimpaks, Jet, and Psycho. He thought back to what 101 had told him about them.

"We call them chems. They will help make you stronger, smarter etc. But it's only temporarily and you can get addicted to them quickly, so only use them as a last resort." he said.

Spikes quest: an MLP fanficWhere stories live. Discover now