Ch 34 therapy and communication

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Hello again readers. As expected, the newest chapter of he book, I hope you like it.

The past two weeks had been quiet for Spike. His wounds had healed quickly from his stimpaks and he had made a full recovery. He helped Twilight around the castle like the old days, helped Fluttershy with feeding her animals and tend to her garden. He even snuck onto Sweet Apple Acres to see Applejack. He refused to help Rarity, due to the incident that happened between them, and showed Rainbow Dash how to properly free run like him. He even showed Pinkie how to make Nuka Cola Quantum, though Spike immediately regretted it when he saw how Pinkie was.. literally bouncing off the walls crazier than usual. Spike apologized to Cheese as he tried to control his sugar-fueled girlfriend with a straightjacket.

He was in his room trying to figure out what to wear to Aj's family reunion. He was planning on telling her family about their relationship and he couldn't decide what to wear, something formal or just his usual jumpsuit minus the ammo belt and guns. He threw his button up shirt and slacks on the bed when Twilight knocked on his door.

"Come in" Spike said

Twilight walked in and greeted him.

"What you up to Spike?" she asked, curious.

"Nothing much, just seeing what clothes fit me and such." Spike said as his Pipboy started beeping.

Spike saw he had a new message and quickly read it. Spike dawned his hood and told Twilight he was going out for a few hours.

"Oh? Where you going?"

"You know, out." Spike said cryptically.

He climbed out his window and made his way to town. Twilight didn't like the sound of that as curiosity got the best of her. She texted Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Applejack to come to the castle at once,

"Uh, Twilight? You sure this is legal?" Rainbow asked her flying low to the ground.

"Yes Rainbow, Spike's not telling us something again and I don't like it." Twilight said using her magic to track his movements.

"Don't you think if it was important that he would tell you?" Aj asked not liking the idea of stalking her boyfriend.

"Yeah! We're his best friends! He doesn't need to tell us everything!" Pinkie exclaimed only to be shushed immediately.

"I raised him myself! There shouldn't be any secrets between us." Twilight said spotting him at a cafe.

    Twilight and the girls ducked down behind a hedge and watched closely. As they were spying on Spike, Rarity was only a few feet away spying on both of them from around the corner. She spotted Spike walking by with his hood up and saw a glimpse of Pinkie's poofy hair speeding from building to building not thirty seconds later. She used her magic to see Twilight and the rest of the girls following him for some reason. They had stopped talking to each other after their most recent fight and she secluded herself in her home the past few weeks. She followed the girls to make sure nothing happened to her Spikey.

Rarity still had faith that his feelings for Applejack would pass and she and him could finally be happy again.

They watched as a stranger in a beige trench coat and sunhat sat across from Spike. The waiter had brought them each a cup of coffee. They then then slid a white envelope to Spike who looked inside. Spike smiled slightly as he gave them a small nod.

"What is this? some kind of meeting?" Fluttershy asked quietly.

"Drug money?" Rainbow asked. She saw Spike gave the stranger a different envelope.

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