Ch 37 Healing scars, new wounds

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Here we are faithful readers. The newest chapter, hope you like it.

Spike woke up with Applejack wrapped around his torso snoring softly. He smiled as he kissed her forehead before quietly getting up. Spike walked over to his workbench and injected a dose of medicine straight into his neck, he felt a wave of nausea wash over him as he quickly shook it off to avoid vomiting. He checked his vitals on his pipboy to see his health was deteriorating slowly.

"Shit..." Spike muttered
Ever since the attack on Sweet Apple Aces, he felt his condition get worse...His meds weren't working as well as they used to, this body was getting weaker and the voices in his head were louder then before.

Spike took a quick shower after he set his science kit to brew a stronger batch of medicine. He wore his typical armored jumpsuit (that was clean for once thanks to Twilight and Rarity) as he gathered his gear.

"Spike? Come back to bed, I'm cold." Applejack said groggy.

"Sorry baby, I gotta go to Canterlot today with Twilight to pitch my business idea to the princesses." Spike said sticking extra doses of his medicine into his supply belt.

Applejack yawned, got up and hugged him from behind.

"Well I hope yer' successful hun." She said laying her head on his shoulder. "Why didn't you just ask Twilight again?"

"Because if everything goes well, I want to expand all across Equestria starting with the Crystal Empire. Plus there are a few other things I gotta address with them." He said attaching his hidden blades.

Twilight knocked on his door before entering, dressed and ready to go.

"Morning you two. Ready to go Spike?" Twilight asked with a smile.

Spike nodded before kissing his girlfriend goodbye.

    "We'll be back in a few hours, ok?" Spike said to Applejack.

    "Help yourself to anything in the kitchen" Twilight added.

    "Ok, good luck you two. love ya spike!" Applejack said smiling with her arms around his neck.

    "I love you too Jackie" Spike said with his arms around her waist before leaving with Twilight.

    Spike and Twilight took a train to Canterlot (she didn't trust his driving to get them there safely). locals greeted and bowed to Twilight as she walked by while most avoided or ignored Spike as if he had the plague. He shook his head as they arrived at Celestia's castle. The guards quickly frisked Spike and took the weapons he had on him before escorting them to the castle's meeting room. The room was a dull blue with several lights along the wall with a conference table and chairs in the middle of the room.

    "Twilight, Spike. Right on time as always." Celestia giggled knowing her former apprentice's habits.

Twilight grinned as she ran up and hugged Cadence before doing their little dance that they made up together. Spike politely shook Shining Armor's hand.

    "Dang Spike, You got old" Shining chuckled looking him over.

    "Tell me about it, I've been busy the past couple years." Spike said casually.

Spikes quest: an MLP fanficWhere stories live. Discover now