Ch 49: ponyville workcamp

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Hey everyone im gonna keep it short. Here's the newest chapter sorry it took so long.

Spike looked through a pair of binoculars to spy on Ponyville from a far. Equestrian natives worked constantly around the clock crafting heavy military grade armor and guns. They pushed cart after cart full of scrap metal to be melted down.Children carried buckets full bullets to different groups for them to load them into ammo clips.

Spike spotted a worn out Applebloom carrying a bucket of shotgun shells when a guard tripped her causing the bucket to spill. The guard started yelling at her for being so careless as he hit her hard. Spike almost ran towards Ponyville to put a bullet in the bastards head when someone put a hand on his shoulder holding him back.

"We'll get him Spike, just be patient." Trixie said calming him.

Spike had been recovering in the medical wing for the past three days coming up with a plan to take down Alexander once and for all. He had Nick Valentine look through the Vault archives to dig up any dirt on Alexander to get the drop on him. Paladin Danse was sent to keep an eye on Canterlot to make sure Alex wasn't onto them. Trixie heard what happened and rushed over to join the fight. She knew deep down she could easily die, but knew if Alexander was not stopped soon, Equestria would crumble.She told Spike that Alexander was starting to take over neighboring towns on her way to The Vault. The odds were against them, poor quality weapons, half working equipment, and soldiers with very little training. Spike planned on hitting the workcamp first so his own army was well equipped and to free the people Alexander enslaved.


"What do we have so far?" Spike asked the group in front of him.

"Alexander Johnson: was a simple man who owned a cigar shop passed down from his father. Decent living for himself til business started slowing down, on the verge of bankruptcy, Frank Fontaine waltz in and tells him he'll help Alex if he starts selling illegal cigars and tobacco. Alexander says yes to save his reputation. Things were good for a while, This Alex guy seems to enjoy the finer things in life though." Nick explained holding up a picture of Alexander who was drinking Champagne on New Year's eve 1959 with the likes of Andrew Ryan himself.

"Few days after the New Year's bombing, Alexander's shop is raided and seized by Rapture Security, officers got a tip Alex supplied the explosives, wonder who did that...,He denied it until of the officers found dynamite packed in cigar boxes hidden away in the back room. Alex was arrested and turned Splicer after breaking out months later, joined the Queen's army and that's all I could find, trail stopped there."

Nick Valentine was the Commonwealth's best Detective who Spike worked with over the years and became friends with. He wore a worn out gray trenchcoat with a matching fedora that covered part of his damaged robotic image. Nick was a prototype Synth (a highly intellectual and deadly robot mass produced by the Institute to recreate the Wasteland in their image by force if necessary)

"Fuck!" Spike cursed knowing that Alex had no known weaknesses he could use against him.

"Everything is quiet in Canterlot, no unusual movements so far." Danse reported from Spike's Pipboy.

"Copy that Danse, stay put, report to back if anything changes" Spike ordered. "I'm open to any ideas on how we liberate Ponyville."

"Well we sure as hell can't bomb it with prisoners inside" Hancock sighed lighting a cigarette.

"We could pick them off with guns. Preston and others have been fitting the rifles with makeshift scopes." Mac suggested

"They'd just take us all out and burn down the town with everyone in it." Spike grumbled

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