Ch 45: Taking back the Vault

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Hello everyone!! It's here!! The newest chapter.

Spike walked outside to see several zombies shuffling towards him. He picked them off with his rifle before making his way back to the security room. He avoided the zombies easily until he started coughing uncontrollably. He fell to his knees coughing up blood as more undead shuffled towards him. He tried shooting them but didn't have the strength to lift his rifle. Spike pulled out a pistol and tried take out any zombies that got too close. Spike lifted himself to his feet as he struggled to get to the music stage not far from him. He fell to the floor onto the stage from exhaustion as he tried to figure out what was wrong with him. Zombies shuffled towards the stage in droves frantically trying to get to him.

    "Fuck..." Spike muttered struggling to look at his Pipboy.

His vital were growing weaker with each passing minute. Spike was running out of options, with no medicine he would die before getting to Alexander. But he wasn't going to leave his friends and girlfriend to die at his hands. Spike took a dose of Med X and Jet from his pocket, he injected the Med X into his arm before inhaling the Jet. The drugs spread through Spike's body as all his pain disappeared almost instantly.

    "Yeeeah." Spike muttered standing up now completely high.

His vision was blurry as Spike stumbled to a nearby maintenance room that was behind the stage. He picked up a baseball bat and hammered several nails into it. He made sure his guns were loaded before heading towards the hotel roof. He pushed his way through hordes of the undead, killing any zombies that got too close to him with his Spiked bat.He felt everything was in slow motion as he made it to the roof to see the teleporter on the helicopter pad. He fired it up as the machine opened a rip back to the Vault.

"Spike wait!" Rosalind yelled.

Spike turned to see the twins a few feet away from him with a large wooden box at their feet with the Assassins logo on it.

"While we can't help you defeat Alexander." Robert said.

"We CAN offer somewhat of an advantage." Rosalind said opening the chest.

Inside were two hidden blades, a small dose of his medicine, two stimpaks, an Eve hypo, and his reinforced armored Jumpsuit. He thanked them as he equipped his armor and weapons before walking through the rift.

   He found himself in the overseer's office behind two splicers guarding it. Spike quickly stabbed them in the back of their necks before they could sound the alarm. He hid the bodies behind his desk before looking at the security monitors. Most of the cameras were destroyed but a few were still active enough to see through. Spike saw that the Twins were telling the truth, Civilians were in cells huddled in fear all wearing active slave collars. Bloodstains were smeared on the walls and floors. Bodies and limbs hung on the walls like art as some were used as dummys for target practice in the training room. Spike became nauseas as he saw the animal sanctuary was turned into a meat pit where they dumped the dead bodies of those who tried to fight back or escape. He looked in another camera to his trophy hall to see the place destroyed. Glass and artwork littered the floor, his BOS (Brotherhood of Steel) power armor blown to bits. Spike saw raiders and splicers in the dining area with five crying civilians against the wall begging for their lives. Only to be shot point blank no more than two seconds later. Spike was horrified by this, his horror turned to anger as he quickly looted the splicers of their ammo before looking in his desk. He found a map of the air ducts and two short wave radios. He started looking for a way to the holding cells through the ducts while making sure the radios worked.

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