Ch 44: Rise to power

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Here's the newest chapter chapter enjoy.

The Vault was taken by Alex in a matter of hours. Civilians were given a choice; bow down to their new king, or get a bullet in the back of their skulls. The civilians were then collected and lead into Ponyville to start constructing a barricade around the town. Raiders and Splicers raided the armory to arm themselves to the teeth with Spike's guns before heading out to raise some hell. Alex's goons were ordered to watch over the "workers" and loot the town.

NCR soldiers tried to protect the vault but were overrun and slaughtered by Alexander's army. Alexander raided Spikes labs gathering every bottle of Adam and plasmids before destroying it and heading off to Canterlot. Blood and bullet casings littered the halls of the Vault. Those who were able evaded capture took their own lives soon after.

Rainbow Dash rammed her shoulder into the steel door until the collar around her neck zapped her forcing her to the floor. She would get up a few minutes later, despite being in extreme pain. Alexander had thrown her and the rest of her friends in the dungeons of Canterlot castle.. He put special rings around Twilight, Rarity, celestia, Luna, Shining armor, Chryssi and Cadence's horns to keep them from using their magic. Fluttershy's, luna, twilight, Celestia, Rainbow Dash, and Celestia's wings were strapped to their backs with heavy chains. Shining Armor was huddled together with Cadence and Twilight, who was sobbing into Shining armor's chest over Spikes Execution. Cheese comforted Pinkie while she cried with her hair completely flat and lifeless. The princesses weeped quietly on the stone floor seeing how miserable everyone was. Fluttershy held a bruised half conscious Discord in her arms trying to keep him awake. Rarity cried curled up in a ball with Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. Chryssi was in the corner fuming and picking at the slave collar around her neck trying to think of a way to disarm it. Applejack sat in an opposite corner completely crushed that her boyfriend was killed right in front of her. The others tried to comfort her but she had completely shut down.

    "Let us out!!" Rainbow screamed ramming the door again.

    "There's no way out Rainbow Dash. Equestria is doomed." Celestia sighed in defeat.

    "That fucker killed Spike! I want his head! She screamed back.

    "Shut the fuck up already!" A splicer yelled before banging the door on the other side.

    "Come in here and make me asshole!" Dash shouted back kicking the door.

    The door swung open knocking Rainbow Dash back to the middle of the cell. Splicers charged in with stun batons and began zapping her into submission. She kicked and punched at them but that made them angrier.

    "Stop it!" Fluttershy begged trying to pull one of the guards away. They elbowed Fluttershy in the face breaking her nose as Discord struggled to get up to save her. Rainbow twitched and groaned on the floor in pain as the guards left the cell. "

Flutters...Why?" Discord Coughed dragging himself over to his side.

She cried quietly holding her bloody nose.

"Because..we gotta get out of here." She cried harder. "I don't wanna die...


Spike's eye shot open only to be greeted by extreme pain in his head. His vision was blurred as he tried to get his bearings.

"Look who's finally awake."

"I thought he was dead for good this time."

"Hmph, charming brother..."

"Well it WAS difficult removing the bullet and bits of lead out of that thick skull of his.

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