Ch 12 the queen

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Hey readers here's the next chapter enjoy

Spike woke to find himself in a dark dirty cell. He quickly got up only to find his arms chained to the wall behind him. Spike struggled to get free, he scanned the room realizing Alice was nowhere to be found. Spike cell opened as two large splicers stomped in. They were the size of Super mutants but looked much more normal with dark skin, and bloodshot eyes. Their hands had long red lesions running up the arms. Spike figured they ingested a concoction of leftover ADAM and Tonics and were extremely dangerous judging by their blood/ADAM stained hands. They acquired Big Daddy armor  that had been painted black. They dragged Spike out of the cell by the chains around his arms while talking to each other.

    "Where we taking this lil' fish?" the one on the left asked in a heavy British accent.

    "We're taking him to the queen, you bloke." the other grumbled also with a deep British accent.

    Spike looked around to see he was in some sort of splicer squatter's camp. He saw splicers of different variety drinking, splicing up, even fighting each other for sport. The camp went quiet as they saw Spike being dragged through the street. They whispered to each other saying he was the monster who killed their friends. They hoped the queen would execute him publicly as the Brute splicers dragged him to two large double doors. Spike saw four Leadhead splicers with tommy guns guarding the door, the giants approached the gate as the guards gave Spike dirty looks before pushing the doors open. The giant splicers dragged Spike into the room, he noticed the giant metal throne in the middle of the room. He noticed several paintings on the wall of the so called queen with her face hidden in the shadows. They threw Spike a few feet closer to the throne before bowing and kneeling.

    "We brought the monster here just like you asked your majesty" one of them said.

    "Excellent work Justin and Drake, you may leave now." the queen said in a smooth polished voice.

    The giants looked at each other in confusion before speaking.

    "But your majesty, we need to protect you from him" the giant on the right said pointing to Spike.

    The queen's hand suddenly glowed a dark green.

    "Are you questioning your queen's authority?!" she shouted standing up

"N- No your majesty" the two said in sync keeping their heads down and quickly exiting the room.

Spike was watching silently as the queen finally stepped out of the shadows. She wore a handmade faded purple and black dress with black elbow length gloves, black heels, and a gold crown on her head.

"So your the human who's been killing my subjects" She said walking towards him.

Spike looked up and was shocked at what he saw, she had blackish gray skin, pointy teeth, piercing green eyes, and a decaying unicorn horn wrapped in bandages. It was the the queen on the changelings Chrysalis! She undid his chains as he stepped away from her.

"What the hell are you doing here?! I thought Twilight blew you up?! Spike asked

She grinned evilly and shook her head.

"No my dear Spike, she merely wounded me that day. " she said pointing to her damaged horn "I survived the magic blast and decided to leave Equestria to plot my revenge" she explained using her magic to light up the room.

So you decided to live in a shithole of a city at the bottom of the ocean? Great strategy." Spike said sarcastically

She shot a green bolt of lightning at his feet making him jump back.

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