Ch 33 crusaders

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      Hello faithful readers, I give you the newest chapter of the book, hope you like it.

        Spike walked back into town happy as can be until he saw a group in front of town hall spouting on about their way of life.

"We founded this land together, we should not have to share it with these savages!!" the leader shouted pointing at a poster with Spike, changelings, Diamond Dogs and Timberwolves.

"These savages have wrecked our homes and destroyed countless lives. I, Sunraiser along with The Church of The Sun. will keep you fed, safe and healthy.

While most others ignored them, several people stopped and listened to what Sunraiser had to say as Spike walked by. He shook his head when he saw cultists passing out pins, books and flyers. Spike wasn't too surprised by this; he learned long ago that people will flock to anyone or anything that promised safety in harsh/bleak times. Spike was walking passed SugarCube Corner when two girls voices shouted his name. He turned around to see Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Applebloom run up to him with Rex and Dogmeat on their heels.

"Hey little ones, long time no see." Spike said greeting them while petting his dogs.

"Whoa, he's really back!" Scootaloo said.

"Looks like you were right Applebloom." Sweetie Belle said only for her to nod.

"Hey Applebloom, you ok?" Spike asked knowing why she was so quiet.

"Yeah.." she said quietly.

"Alright then, what have the rest of you girls been up to?" Spike asked.

Scootaloo was living with her mom and still idolizing Rainbow Dash. Sweetie Belle was practicing her singing and helping Rarity around the boutique, though she said Rarity had been moody lately. They were also helping kids around town with their problems. Spike decided to hang out with The Crusaders, as they liked to call themselves, as he led them away from Sunraiser and his group.

"Dear Celestia. are those people still preaching?" Sweetie Belle asked annoyed.

"Yeah they are Sweetie Belle, they're starting to get on my nerves." Scootaloo said rubbing her temples.

"How long have these nutjobs been here?" Spike asked them.

About ten months now, They showed up outta the blue one day. Mayor won't kick them out of town cuz they haven't done anything wrong yet. I've seen some folks around town actually joining them." Applebloom finally speaking.

"I see, I swear that group's nuttier than a bag of cashews. And I've seen people worship a nuclear bomb." Spike said walking behind them.

They continued to walk around town and catch up until Rarity saw them.

"Sweetie Belle! come here now, we're going home now." She said firmly.

"What? Why?" Sweetie Belle asked confused.

"Don't argue with me young lady! Let's go!" Rarity said levitating her towards her.

"Ok, bye guys." Sweetie Belle said waving goodbye as Rarity teleported them home.

"What was that all about?" Scootaloo asked confused.

"Don't ask." Spike said shaking his head.

Scootaloo shrugged before checking her watch.. She had to get home!  Saying goodbye to Spike and Applebloom before jogging home flapping her little orange wings whenever she jumped in the air.

"Keep it up Scoots, one day you'll fly" Spike thought to himself.

Applebloom was still quiet as Spike offered to walk her back to the farm. She quickly shook her head avoiding eye contact with him as she walked away. Spike quickly stopped her as he noticed her flinch when putting his hand on her shoulder.

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