Ch 17 the sub

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Hello hello faithful readers. Here's the next new chapter, hope you like it as much as I liked writing it.

Spike and Alice were shocked to see that Alex had killed another Splicer. They thought of a way to get past them and Spike knew attacking head on wouldn't end well. Alice suggested tripping the sprinklers to electrocute them. Spike prayed the sprinkler system still worked. Alice gave Spike a match as he lit it then aimed for a nearby garbage can. He tossed the match and lit the contents on fire, creating enough smoke to trip the sprinklers, soaking the entire lab in the process.

"Dammit! Why did you set the sprinklers off you idiot!" Alex barked, quickly jumping on a table to try and disarm them.

Spike touched the floor with his Electro Bolt killing the other Splicer. Alex saw Spike run into the lab and disappeared in a puff of red smoke.

"I'll kill you later you little shit" Alex spat before escaping into thin air.

Spike cursed as he stopped the sprinklers and evaporated the water on the floor. Alice walked in after Spike said it was safe.

"Please...Help me" a raspy voice choked out.

Alice and Spike jumped as they saw the Spider splicer was still alive.

"Who was that guy? Why were you here and where's Fontaines penthouse?" Spike asked aiming his shotgun at the charred splicers head

"Alex...We tried to make Plasmids..." the Splicer struggled to say. "look behind the paintings outside the other door for a switch"

Spike thanked him as he told Alice to cover her ears and look away.

"Please...K-Kill me..." the Splicer begged.

Spike took his pistol and shot the splicer in the head, he closed the Splicers eyes before putting a wet sheet over the body.

"Rest in peace" Spike sighed before leaving with Alice.

They walked into a hallway full of portraits of different doctors and scientists and started checking behind them for a switch.

"Spike! I found one" Alice whispered pointing to a painting of a young Brigitte Tenenbaum

He walked over and slide the painting to the side to reveal a button. Spike told her good work as he lifted Alice to press the button, The wall behind the painting of one Dr.Suchong slide open to reveal a secret elevator. Spike tried to open the cage door but it wouldn't budge.

"Must be another switch to open it" Spike muttered frantically searching the walls.

He stopped and looked at the portrait of Frank Fontaine, Frank had pale white skin, a shaved head, a scarred milky eye, and one blue eye. Spike thought he looked like a rat as he found the final switch behind the painting. The cage opened, Spike rolled his eyes at how egotistical this guy must have been as he and Alice walked into the elevator. The elevator took them to a spacious penthouse and they looked around. The penthouse had a king size bed, bar, bathroom, kitchen, walk in closet and a couch with a coffee table. Spike found another tape recorder on the coffee table and played it.

"Almost ready to leave this shithole, got my food and cash in the closet now all I gotta do is take the elevator to the sub and get the hell out of here. So long Rapture, and good riddance." Fontaine said before the tape stopped.

Ok Alice, let's go and see if that sub is still working." Spike said as they got in the elevator again.

They ran down the hall and finally made it to the sub, it was rusty but still in good condition. All it needed was to be refueled. Spike was attaching the the fuel hose to the sub, he didn't notice the Splicer hiding in the shadows spying on them from above. It smiled evilly as it crawled away to alert the others. Spike calculated that the sub would be fueled and ready by tomorrow morning as he and Alice went back to the penthouse to celebrate. They ate Fontaine's food supplies (not like he was gonna eat it) and counted the bags of money. Spike counted two million dollars in small bills as he and Alice ate together. They talked about what the two of them would do when they got topside, Spike even told Alice she could live with him in Equestria so she wouldn't have to go back to the orphanage

Spikes quest: an MLP fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin