CH 10 more little sisters

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Hey there people wanna say thanks to my faithful readers heres yet another chapter for you enjoy

Spike woke up bright and early as he checked on Jennifer, She was still fast asleep as he tip toed over to the kitchen. He brewed up a pot of coffee and munched on an energy bar while studying a map of Rapture. He would have to go through a couple of bulkhead doors to get to the market, he checked his pistol as Bridgette walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning Spike, leaving already?" she said still waking up while pouring herself coffee.

"morning doc, Yeah, I wanna get a few more photos of the splicers to study and it's gonna take me all day to track down the little ones." he said putting on his backpack.

She nodded and wished him luck as he ventured out into the city. An few hours later, after taking care of a few thug splicers, Spike found himself in the local marketplace. He walked around looking at the run down shops and moldy produce that was left behind, he checked behind the counters looking for ammo and money when he heard splicers near by. He ducked down behind a cheese stand then peeked up to see two splicers trying to open a safe in the stand across from him. The male splicer was holding a shotgun standing guard as the female splicer whacked the safe with her machete.

"What the hell's taking so long?! the male grumbled gripping his gun.

"I'm trying my best! Get the hell off my back Greg!" she barked back

She gave up as she knocked over a honeycomb hive in anger. It shattered on the floor as a swarm of bees erupted from the hive and started stinging the pair. They screamed in pain as the man tried to shoot them but just got stung even more. Spike quickly took a photo of them as they dropped to the floor dead. As the bees flew away, He walked over to the corpses that were swollen from the bee venom and checked them for loot. He found 50 bucks and more ammo for the shotgun, he picked up the gun and examined it carefully. It was alittle old but looked well maintained pump gauge, he loaded it quickly as he saw another Big Daddy stomp by him. Spike noticed that this Daddy didn't have a Little Sister with him as it made its way to a large purple vent.

  This Big Daddy however was carrying a large rivet gun instead of a drill as it walked closer to the vent. Spike quickly took a photo as it pushed him out of the way then banged on the vent. Spike took a few steps back and watched closely, to his surprise, he saw a Little Sister crawl out of the vent. She thanked him as the pair went looking for a corpse to draw ADAM from, he wondered how the little ones were able to sniff out the ADAM in the first place.He made a mental note to ask the doctor later as he prepared himself to fight. He then heard a creepy laugh at him, Spike aimed his new shotgun to see an old vending machine. It had a picture of a creepy looking clown on the neon blue machine.

"Hmm, The Circus of Values" Spike muttered as he looked at what it had to sell.

The machine sold an assortment of snacks, medicine, even ammo! Spike saw that the machine was selling electrified shotgun shells as he fed the machine 20 dollars and pressed the button. The machine rumbled as it dropped the ammo into the slot below, Spike loaded the new ammo into his gun as he readied himself to fight.

"HA HA HA HA Tell your friends to visit The Circus of Values!" the machine spouted through a broken speaker as Spike walked away.

"I'll never understand how people can live with machines like these" he muttered as he tracked down the Big Daddy.

He took one more photo of the Big Daddy before shooting at it. The beast roared in pain as Spike kept firing, it started firing rivets at him as he avoided them. One rivet grazed his cheek making him wince in pain, the beast kicked Spike back into a wall as it shot another rivet. It pined Spikes shirt to the wall as he struggled to get free, Spike quickly shocked the beast with Electro bolt and took out his pistol. He loaded the gun quickly with armor piercing rounds and emptied the clip into the beast's head, before the Big Daddy recovered from the electric blast. It fell dead on its back as Spike ripped his shirt free from the wall. He quickly turned the little girl human again, she thanked him then ran towards the nearby vent back to the safehouse. Spike popped a couple of painkillers as he quickly searched the Big Daddy, he found 100 dollars and more Eve Hypos as he injected the Eve into his arm. He stuffed the rest in his bag then kept looking for more little ones. Spike soon found himself in an abandoned substation when he spotted a machine sticking out of the wall next to a garbage can. It was metal workbench with a picture of duel pistol engraved on metal with an orange glow to it.

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