Chapter 4 Megaton

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Spike woke up to find himself in a hospital bed. he bolted upright only to have pain run through his body. he slowly lifted his body up and observed the room around him. The place looked old and rusty with holes in the walls as well as the ceiling.

"Ugh.. Where am I?" Spike thought to himself out loud.

"You're in the medical clinic dumbass" A gruff voice said

Spike turned his head to see a graying man with dark brown skin standing near him with a clipboard in hand. He wore black boots, brown pants. and a white shirt that was stained with blood splotches

"How long was I out for? Where am I?" Spike asked the doctor while getting up.

"You've only been out a day or so. Now that you're awake, get out! You're not injured and I don't want you around here!" the man said annoyed not even looking up from his clipboard.

Spike got up and showed himself out of the clinic., He looked to see that  he was in some sort of man made village . The town had dirt paths and pipes that went in different directions and all the houses were made out of scrap metal and wood. What caught his eye the most was the giant bomb in the middle of the town. It stuck out of the ground and was surrounded by murky brownish water. He took a closer look and saw his reflection in the water. Spike looked like a normal human with pale skin, green eyes, and short brown hair with streaks of green.

"Well looks who's awake. how you doing kid?" a deep voice said behind him

Spike jumped and turned around to see a tall African american man standing behind him. The man had a blackish gray beard, wore brown boots, gray pants, a dirty green duster with a sheriff's badge on it and a cowboy hat.

"Welcome to Megaton kid, I'm Lucas Simms, Mayor of this fine city. And sheriff when the time calls for it." he said shaking Spikes hand

"Oh hi! i'm Spike nice to meet you"

"Hm, polite and respectful I like you already. If you need directions around town, just ask" Lucas said with a smile

"Well yeah, Can you tell me where i can get some new clothes?" Spike asked pointing to his blood stained shirt and pants

"Sure kid, just head up the ramp behind me to get to the  Craterside Supply. Moira and 101 should still be there. " Lucas instructed.

Spike thanked him and made his way up the ramp. When he got to the top he could see and hear other settlers going about their lives trading, talking, and chain smoking cigarettes. Spike open the rusty door that had the the name spray painted on it. He went inside the dimly lit room and took a look around. The place was dusty with cobwebs everywhere. He saw various items on the shelves and a armored suit on the wall. Suddenly, he saw a woman walked in through a doorway and smiled at him.

"Oh hi there! I'm Moira Brown! Welcome to Craterside Supplies! "she greeted spike with a smile and a wave.

Spike waved back and smiled a little. She reminded him of Pinkie Pie for some reason. She had red hair that was up in a bun, pale skin, brown eyes and wore a faded blue jumpsuit.

"Hi I'm Spike, the mayor said this was the place to get new clothes." he said pointing at his

"Hey you're that kid that 101 found! 101, he's awake come over here!" she shouted at the back of the store.

A man walked through the door and greeted Spike. He remembered he was the man who saved him.

"My name's Spike. Thanks for saving my life, Mr..101"

"No problem kid it's what I do. By the way, what were you doing out there by yourself? Are you from a vault or something? " 101 asked Spike

He was about to tell them the truth but then he stopped himself. If he told them the truth, they would think he was crazy.

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