Ch 5 Talon company

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    Spike woke up to find 101 taking weapons out of the locker next to the door.

    "Morning kid, get up. We leave in five minutes" he said looking back at him.

Spike got up, stretched his limbs and walked over to the locker 101 was looking through. Inside the locker were various rifles, pistols, boxes of differently labeled ammo, and neatly folded clothes on the top shelf.

"Quite the arsenal you have here, where'd you get all these?" Spike asked, taking a bite of a slightly questionable apple that 101 left on the table for him.

"Thanks, I've collected pretty much every weapon in the wasteland and stored them in here." 101 handed him a bag. "By the way, here, you'll need these for today."

He handed him a makeshift backpack, a 10mm pistol, and a hunting rifle. Spike thanked 101 as he slung the rifle and backpack over his shoulder.

He got a feel for the new pistol, making sure it was loaded. He then put it in the holster attached to his belt. He spotted 101 putting several strange syringes into a small pouch attached to his belt.

"What are those? Drugs?" He asked him

"Naw these are called Stimpacks. They're used to heal limbs and other injuries in case you get hurt out there." 101 explained closing his pouch.

Spike nodded as they packed up and headed out of Megaton into the wasteland. While they headed through what was left of Springvale, 101 explained how to properly aim and shoot. They walked through a crumbled building when 101 spotted a few old tin cans next to a short wall. 101 told Spike to get his rifle ready as he set the cans on the wall.

"Ok kid, lets see if you can shoot. Take your rifle and try to shoot these cans. Aim down the sights of your hunting rifle, squeeze the trigger, and pull back on the bolt to reload". 101 said standing to the side to watch.

Spike aimed his rifle at the middle can and pulled the trigger. The bullet hit the wall under the can as the kick from the rifle knocked him down. 101 tried not to laugh as he spoke to him.

"Ok that was good Spike. Try again, But this time lean into the rifle stock so the kick doesn't knock you on your ass" 101 explained as he continued to watch.

Spike nodded as he stood up and reloaded his rifle. He aimed the rifle again, this time leaning into the butt of the rifle as he pulled the trigger. The rifle went off as the bullet hit the can off the wall with a ping. Spike grinned as he reloaded and picked off the other two cans with ease, suddenly a Radroach scurried out from a hole in the wall. It looked like any other Cockroach but it was much bigger, roughly the size of a medium dog.

"Ugh, a Radroach. think you can take it out kid?" 101 said pointing at it.

Spike wasn't sure if he could, since he had never killed a living animal before. He slowly nodded as he aimed and shot it in the thorax with a crunch. He frowned slightly as he slung the rifle over his shoulder.

"Fluttershy, please forgive me" he muttered under his breath.

101 patted Spike on the shoulder as he walked with him.

"Don't worry kid, Fluttershy would understand. Trust me, there's no helping them and you sure as hell don't wanna get swarmed by them. Good job kid, let's get moving" 101 said walking out of the building.

Spike sighed and hurried out to catch up to him. Around noon the two saw abandoned shops in the distance. 101 had tuned into a radio station on his Pipboy as the two listened in.

"Ok, It seems the settlement of Grayditch has gone quiet. Residents haven't come out to trade in weeks. maybe someone should check out the town to see what's up. Until next time, this is Three Dog! AWOOO! And you're listening to Galaxy News Radio! Now, some music..." The DJ said playing a song.

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