Chapter 42: Herobrine

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The pigmen brought us up a long, winding staircase. The interior of the fortress was dark and mysterious, with tall ceilings more than twenty blocks above my head. At last, we were brought before a set of large wooden doors that were laced in gold trimmings.

Aly paused in front of the grand doors.

"Master says you are to go in now," Aly said and the doors swung open on their own accord.

The room behind the doors was large and majestic. The floor was layered with a red carpet, the pillars bearing banners which hung from the redstone torches, and the huge windows boasted an excellent view of the lava world outside.

At the end of the carpet was a huge golden throne. "Master, I have brought you the traitors like you asked," Aly kneeled down on the carpet before the man on the throne. The pigmen brought us forward and pushed us to our knees before the man, pressing down on our heads until they touched the floor.

"Release them. They are harmless here anyway," the man commanded and the pigmen let go of our heads.

I immediately lifted my head to get a look at the man. He was wearing a cyan shirt with purple pants and gray shoes, his tousled hair whipping in the gentle, hot breeze from one window. His hand was held up, like he was addressing the mobs around us.

He looked perfectly normal. But there was only one thing that chilled me to the bone...

A pair of empty white eyes that were on his face that were bearing down on me as I continued to kneel on the floor...

Minecraft: The Legend of HerobrineWhere stories live. Discover now