Chapter 49: Homecoming

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Tommy led me and Aly to the portal back to the overworld. We would be going home. At least, we could go back to the hut I had built, and we could live there. There was no way to get back to Minecraftia.

We held hands as we stood in front of the purple, swirling mist. Taking a deep breath, we stepped through.

We came out of the portal at the lake, where Aly had captured us. It was now midmorning, the morning sunlight making the lakewater glisten and shine. Our hut was still there, and the blood of the battle was gone.

"We'd better get to work if we want to live here," I said as I walked toward the hut. Aly waded into the lake to catch some fish, and get some water to boil.

Tommy and I set about mining. The wood in the chest was still there. I made a pickaxe and started to mine for cobble. Soon, I had enough cobblestone to make a furnace and a stone pickaxe. I headed back to the hut, crafted a stone pickaxe and headed back down to the mines.

Tommy had found some iron as well. I helped him mine it and left it in the furnace to smelt. As the sun began to set, we met Aly back at the hut, and went to bed.

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