Friends...Love? Chapter Nine

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"I-I Love him."

"What?!!" Eddy yells.

I blush and look away as Edd's eyes go wide.

"What's he mean by love Eddy?" Ed asks.

"I don't know Ed." Eddy answers glaring at me.

Great. I have to explain to these idiots what love means.

"I love him as...a lover." I say blushing slighty.

"You're gay?!" Eddy asks still glaring.

"No I'm just gay... for Edd." I answer blushing even more.

The rooms filled with silence. Edd still on Ed's lap. Eddy standing up next to Edd glaring at me. And me, the school's toughest guy, blushing like an idiot.

"Double D you're staying with me, let's go." Eddy says breaking the silence. I watch as Eddy grabs Edd's arm, Ed standing up with Edd.

"Wait a second Asshole! He's not going anywhere! I told him I was going to protect him so I will!" I yell grabbing Edd's other arm. There's no way this shorty's taking my dork away from me.

"No he's not! You can't protect him like I can!" Eddy yelled back. "You're the enemy! I'm not gonna let you hurt him!"

"G-Gentleman you're both hurting me at the moment." We hear Edd say quietly.

The rooms filled with a second of silence and Eddy lets go of Edd's arm. I take that as my chance and pull Edd towards me, his back to my chest, me gripping his arms.

Shit Shit Shit! I'm partically hugging him. Oh my god he smells so good.My hearts beating like crazy here over just smelling this dork.

"He can pick for himself dork." I say gripping Edd tighter.

Eddy smirks and looks to Edd to me. "Alright. Double D are you staying here with this jerk or coming with your bestfriends?" He asks looking serious.

I move my hands around Edds waist holding him tighter. He won't leave after I just confessed right? Please tell me he won't.

The rooms filled with silence again.

Damn it, it's that hard of a choice huh? Please stay. Please stay.

"Eddy, I'm sorry. Kevin helped me and gave me his word ge would protect me. He's been kind enough to let me stay here with him until I can go back home. I want to stay with him. If it's okay with you Kevin." He says looking at Eddy apologetic, then to me.

Yes! Yes! " Y-yea... It's cool with me." I say looking at him and I give him a small smile.

I look back at Eddy, his face shows noting but heartbreak. Heartbreak? He then looks at me and his eyes fill with pure hatred.

"Let's go Ed." He says still looking at me and Edd.

"Can we get some butter toast Eddy?" Ed asks, completely oblivious to what's happening. "Yeah." Eddy says back sadness in his voice. "Butter Toast! Let's go Eddy! Bye Double D!" Ed says happily walking behind Eddy, walking towards the door.

"Goodbye guys." Edd says to them before they open the door and leave, leaving me and Edd alone.


Okay Sorry this chapter is only 5 pages. I wanted to keep the drama away from the next chapter. But yea.. I hoped you like it guys! :-) Byes

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