Chapter 19 - Cups

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"Auditions are nearly over." Finn told us, leaning against the piano. "Two more days and then the cast list will be put up on Monday!" 

"Marls." Ryder whined, kissing my forehead.

"Yeah?" I said back, watching people around the room as they watched us.

"Why aren't you auditioning?" 

"Because." I said slowly, leaning my head onto his shoulder. It was the best excuse I could come up with.

"Come on, Marls." Jake sighed, tapping the back of my head. "It's your senior year." 

I shrugged and snuggled into Ryder. "You should, Marls." Angie said. "It'll be fun." 

"Even if Marley doesn't audition to be a lead, she can still be one of The Nicest Kids in Town." Finn shrugged, waving his hand and grinning at me.

"Exactly." I laughed.

"On another, less boring note," Kitty said, "I am auditioning this afternoon for the musical and I will be singing the cup song." She flicked her pony-tail and crossed her arms, smug like. 

"You have to teach me how to do that." Angie piped in. 

I agree. "Yeah." I nodded with a smile.

"Marley, you are hopeless. I tried teaching you once in Social Studies but no. You couldn't get it." Kitty snapped.  

"You're not a very good teacher." I replied.

"I am, you just suck." 

"You suck." I muttered in reply, playing with my dream catcher necklace.

"You both suck because you're not pretty!" Angie shouted, throwing her hands up and trying to settle the argument.

"You weirdo." I laughed, looking back at her and sticking my tongue out at her.

"You're a weirdo!" She snapped back.

"Guys, I-" Finn interjected, but we continued with our playful argument.

"Who's the one who walks out of the bathroom and says Have fun smelling my poop, bitches every single time?"

"You seriously do that?" Kitty asked, her mouth open wide.

"No." Angie shook her head and sent me a death glare.

"Ange, you kind of do do that." Jake whispered, kissing her cheek.

"At least I'm not the one who forces their Mom to have really weird conversations with them." She laughed and gave Jake a weird stare.

"What do you say?" I said slowly, looking straight to Jake.

Jake sighed loudly and put his head in his hands, blushing. "Mom walked in on Angie and I making out once and I said Who let you in here? and then she said, following my lead, Ashley. I asked Ashley who? and she said Ashley Katchadorean and I shouted Ashley Katchadorean isn't even in charge of the door!" 

"Okay, you're... pretty weird.." I smiled, poking my tongue out at him.

"Like Ryder hasn't done anything weird." Angie said.

"Not that you know of." Ryder laughed, poking my shoulder lightly.

"So, guys!" Finn said loudly before turning to the board and picking up a marker. "I need some help preparing... like, costumes and stuff..." Finn said, writing on the board, much to our boredom. 


I was standing in the bathroom after school with Kitty as she fixed up her hair in the mirror. "I'm getting Amber." She whispered to herself, tightening her ponytail on the top of her head.

"Sure are." I agreed, nodding my head and brushing the sides of my hair.

"I never asked you." She snapped, shooting a glare at my reflection.

I looked innocently at the ground as we stood in silence. Kitty looked over at me and frowned. "It's been three years and you still can't take my insults." Kitty rolled her eyes and continued making sure she looked perfect for he audition.

"Have fun smelling my poop!" Angie shouted over the toilet door before flushing the toilet and opening the cubicle. Kitty and I turned back to watch her exit out of her toilet cubicle. "Hey!" She smiled, waving and walking over to the sink.

"So, you do say that?" Kitty asked, frowning over at her.

"Most of the time, yeah." 

"I told you she was weird." I said, picking up my bag and walking out of the bathroom, Kitty and Angie following me as I pulled the straps onto my shoulders.

"I am going to rule this song!" Kitty shouted loudly, throwing her hands up before walking down a separate corridor. 

"She's really up herself." said Angie in a low whisper, stopping in front of the door to the auditorium and opened the double doors, shutting them behind us. We slid into the seats behind Ryder and Jake, who were having a thumb war. 

"Hi." I whispered, just loud enough for them to hear me over Santana and Rachel's arguing about who was the greater Disney princess, Merida or Elsa from Frozen.

"Yo." They both said, concerntrating on their game, rather than anything else.

Kitty suddenly walked out with her HBIC strut and sat on the ground, placing the cup in front of her and wiping her hands on her Cheerio's skirt. "Hi Lady, Jewish Troll and Head Lesbian!" She smiled, taking a small and graceful wave to the panel. "Let me sing!" She snapped, placing the cup down and clapping.


I've got my ticket for the long way 'round

Two bottle whiskey for the way

And I sure would like some sweet company

And I'm leaving tomorrow. What d'you say?

"How does she do that?" Ryder asked from in front of me, watching Kitty's hands intently as she twisted the cup in her hands. 

When I'm gone, when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me by my hair

You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

I've got my ticket for the long way 'round

The one with the prettiest of views

It's got mountains, it's got rivers

It's got sights to give you shivers

But it sure would be prettier with you

When I'm gone, when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

You're gonna miss me by my walk

You're gonna miss me by my talk, oh

You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

As soon as she finished her song, every cheered loudly. To be able to do that was a real talent and took a lot of skill, and Kitty mastered it.

"Great, Kitty." Finn smiled, still clapping loudly. "What role are you trying out for again?"

"Amber." Kitty replied without hesitation, smirking back at him and put her hand on her hip. Finn and Rachel both nodded approvingly at the same. "Thank you." Kitty wiggled her fingers and walked backstage, her pony tail bouncing on the back of her head.

"I really need to learn how to do that." I whispered to Ryder, playing with hair and kissing his head lightly. 


Song: Cups (You're Gonna Miss Me) by Lulu and the Lampshades

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