Chapter 66 - Pretending

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Our final chance at a National championship had come. We had finally made it to the venue and all of us were so excited that we couldn’t but be extremely loud.

Kitty and I kept on saying random jokes to each other and laughing our heads off, sounding like a pair of drunken ladies. And we made all of these jokes to each other that no one else would get and we would say one word and both end up cracking up, much to everyone’s confusion.

We had come really early to the Nationals venue and everyone seemed like they were getting bored. Jake was sitting in the corner of the room with Angie, both of them holding hands and staring at the ground. Kitty, Travis and Melissa were sitting on the three-seater couch in the centre of the room and Ryder and I were sitting on the single seat towards the door of the room.

“Hey,” Ryder whispered, wrapping his arm around my waist tighter. “Mmm?” I said, pulling my head away from him and wrapping my arms around his neck. “I’m super excited to be singing with you.” Ryder whispered. I nodded and giggled. “Me, too, babe.” I mumbled. “And Mr. Schue let us sing a Finchel song… that’s pretty good, in my books.” I added.

Ryder nodded and brushed my hair out of my face lightly. “Let’s just hope that our performance does not end like Finn and Rachel’s. I don’t want to ruin everyone’s chances at Nationals.” Ryder nodded. “After all, this is our last time singing at Nationals.” I frowned, kissing his forehead lightly.

Ryder smirked and nodded, tilting his head to the side and looking around the room. “I’m going to miss… this.” Ryder sighed. “Just being with these guys nearly every minute of the day. It’s going to suck.” Ryder nodded. I agreed and rested my cheek against his forehead, playing with his hair. “Yeah… especially since we’re pretty much leaving everyone behind.”

“Yeah, like Jake is still waiting on the acceptance form for that school and I don’t even know where Kitty’s going and Angie and stuff are all staying at McKinley.” Ryder said, waving his hand around. I bit my lip and glimpsed around the room, watching everyone carefully.

“How long is it until we have to go on?” Ryder whispered, kissing my cheek lightly. “I don’t know. Probably a couple more.” I shrugged. “Oh, come on!” Ryder sighed loudly. Everyone looked away from their phones or each other and to Ryder, frowning at him. “Sorry.” Ryder whispered, laughing to himself.

“How long until we go on, Mr. Schue?” Jake said, looking up at Mr. Schue and pulling Angie closer to him. “Well, still a couple of hours-“

“Hours?! You’re kidding, right?” Kitty shouted, standing up. “Um, no, Kitty-“ Mr. Schue began again, but was cut off by her again. “Oh , my God! I am getting changed so I have an unlimited time to get ready!” Kitty shouted, stamping her foot and storming out of the room, picking up the light pink (almost peach) dress.

I bit my lip awkwardly before standing up and picking up my own. “I’m going to go too… just to get ready, you know.” I grinned, walking over to Angie and tugging her up with me. I dragged her out of the room, just so I wouldn’t look like such a loner and walked with her to the bathroom.

Both of us were silent on the way there before Angie stopped me, grabbing my arm tightly. “I think Jake suspects something’s up. Did you tell him? Did Kitty tell him? What if Kitty told him?” She asked quickly, digging her nails into my arm.

“Angie,” I said, taking her hand off of my arm. “It’s okay.” I told her. She shook her head and bit her lip; it was always so hard to get Angie to agree or to listen to you. She always suspected the worst parts of things and that obviously made her life harder than it already is.

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