Chapter 25 - The Last Musical

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NYADA. Why did Rachel have to even put the thought of college in my head? Ever since she told me that night about how I would fit into NYADA, I couldn't get the thought of college out of my mind. It was like I had to make up my mind now. 

The thought of college was making me restless and it stopped me from sleeping. And I surprisingly wasn't as tired as I should have been. 

I put my hand to my bedside table and fumbled for my phone. Once I had picked it up, I turned on the screen. Two am. Gosh, I didn't realise how late it actually was. 

I hesitantly pulled myself out of bed and trekked down the dark hallway - nearly tripping over my own feet a couple of times - before I found the door to Angie's room. "Ange." I whispered, sticking my head through the door. "Ange." I said again. She didn't respond, but I heard the bed sheets russle. I put my hand over the light switch and began flicking the light on and off. 

Angie groaned lightly and shuffled under the covers some more. "Ange, I need some help." I said, walking in a shutting the door.

"Are you pregnant? Because I don't like having my sleep time taken away. Hint, hint." She murmured.

"No." I laughed, turning on the lamp next to her bed before turning off the main light in the room. 

"I need help." I sighed, sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Are you trying to conceive?" Angie murmured against her pillow.

"What? No!" I said loudly.

"I just like my sleep, Marls. I don't like when people interupt my sleep." She mumbled. "I've been dancing all night long and I'm tired."

"I know your tired but I can't sleep and I need your help." I whined.

"Okay, let me guess, you... er... want to dress sexy so you can get Ryder in bed and you can happily make out with each other and then you can have little Marley's and Ryder's at the age of 18." 

"Ange, please just shut up." I laughed, putting my hand on her thigh.

"You wanted my help, didn't you?" Angie mumbled.

"Oh, yes, I am conflicted." I sighed.

"Why?" Angie asked tiredly, yawning.

"Rachel had a talk with me tonight and she put the thought of college into my mind and I'm stressing over it and I don't know what to do."

"Marls." Angie sighed, pulling the covers off of her and sitting up. "It's the beginning of the year. You shouldn't have to be worried and stressed about college this early on." She sighed, shaking her head. "Rachel was being really stupid putting this thought into your mind. She should have at least let me sleep first." Angie murmured with a smile, pushing me off of the bed.

"Right." I smiled with a shaky nod. "Well, I'll go now."

"Yes, please!" Angie shouted, falling down again. "Nah, I'm kidding, I love you!" She murmured as she chuckled to herself.

"Okay. Night." I smiled, shutting the door as I left her room and stumbled back to my room, falling onto my bed and pulling the covers over me tighter.

Still I wasn't too sure. 


No sleep. Not even a wink. I was as tired as hell, but I couldn't sleep all night. All though Angie had attempted to comfort me, it still didn't seem to work. 

It was seven am when Angie strolled into my room, coming to push me out of bed when I was just lying there, staring into space. 

"Dude." She said, sighing to herself as she sat down on the bed next to me. "Did you get any sleep last night?"

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