Chapter 26 - Ladies' Choice

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The musical was over. Done. Finito. And I was kind of disappointed about it- I would no longer see Ryder dancing around stage with his hair looking seemingly similar to Blaine's and dancing around all weirdly because that's how people used to dance in the sixties. I wouldn't be able to twirl around in my incredibly daggy dress with Ryder during the half break.

The one thing I wouldn't miss was Kitty and her constant boasting about how good she was. The good reviews were just making her head even bigger. 

After Glee club on the Friday afternoon, Ryder stopped me from leaving and sat me back down in my seat, sticking his leg across my lap to stop me from moving. 

We stayed in that position until Kitty left the room - I think she knew that Ryder was going to sing and stuck around to make us angry.

Once she had left, Ryder pulled me up onto my feet and gripped my hands tightly with his own. "I." He kissed my lips softly, "love." Kiss. "You." Kiss.

"I love you, too." I murmured as he gave me another light kiss on the lips. I gave him a small smile and swung our hands from side to side.

"You're so sweet and innocent." Ryder whispered. "And beautiful - don't forget beautiful."

I looked down at my feet and blushed, smirking to myself. He put a hand under my chin and forced me to meet his eyes, kissing my lips again. "You sung to me like, a couple of weeks ago and I want to return the favour." He smiled, dropping my hands and walking backwards towards where the band members were standing, murmuring about us under their breaths.

"You know how I'm, like, a total hunk?" Ryder asked with a smile, pointing to himself.

"You are." I nodded. God, he's so hilarious.

"And how every girl is like, diving at my feet?" 

"Not exactly, but yeah." I laughed, putting my hands into my jean pockets.

Ryder chuckled and shook his head at me. "Well, I remember singing this song on stage, right? And I really wanted to sing it to you personally and actually dance it with you." Ryder smiled.

"I think I know where this is going." I laughed.

"Of course you do, because you're a genius." Ryder ran to me and skidded to a stop, grabbing my hands tightly and spinning me in a circle before the music to Ladies' Choice began.

"You're kidding me!" I laughed before he began dancing with me and twirling me around the choir room. He was 

Ryder (Band guys):

Hey little girl with the cash to burn

Well, I'm selling something you won't return

Hey little girl, take me off the shelf

'Cause it's hard having fun playing with yourself

Once you browse through the whole selection

Shake those hips in my direction

Bring it back if she never did see

Take me home and then unwrap me

Shop around with every dollar, I've got to be

The ladies' choice, ladies' choice, the ladies' choice

Ryder was throwing all of these crazy 60's moves only he learnt for the production - and surprisingly, I didn't trip when he tried to execute them on me. 

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