Chapter 61 - Make or Break

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I woke up quite early the next morning as I had been woken up during the middle of the night by Angie, who sounded like she was pacing back and forth through the halls and making weird noises- at one point, it sounded like she was crying, but I couldn’t be too sure.

Before I left to go to school, I checked the mail and sitting inside of the mail box was a letter. For me. From NYADA.

I kind of just stood in the middle of the street, gawking down at my letter box before picking up the thick letter and running down the road.

I ran all the way to school in less than 5 minutes, almost collapsing a couple of times because I am not fit. I pushed open the doors of the school and ran down the empty hallways, the few students who were there giving me weird looks.

When I reached Ryder’s locker, he was standing there, on his phone, texting someone with a frown on his face. “Ryder, Ryder, Ryder, Ryder!” I shouted, running to him and shaking his arm lightly. “Wow, what’s wrong?” He asked, sliding his phone in his pocket.

I waved the letter around and began flapping my arms up and down like a bird, trying to get words out... I guess I was just too panicked. “Babe, stop.” Ryder said, grabbing my arms and forcing me to stay still. “What’s wrong?”

I wriggled my arms free and shoved the envelope in Ryder’s face, moving it around so he could get a good look at the logo in the corner that clearly said NYADA. “Marley, calm.” He said, patting my head lightly.

I laughed and shook my head, staring at the logo in the corner again. I could feel my hands shaking as I looked at the envelope... whatever was in this envelope will make or break my future.

“Do you wanna open it now?” Ryder whispered, taking it from me and flipping it in his hands. I stared at him for a couple of seconds before shaking my head frantically. “I-I can’t.” I said slowly, looking from Ryder to the envelope. “Why not?” Ryder frowned, going to open the side, but I snatched it from him. “I don’t really want to know. I’m scared that I didn’t get in.”

“Marls, you probably have gotten in.” Ryder sighed, tucking some of my hair behind my ear. “Probably not! You saw how Carmen Tibeadux looked at me! She looked disappointed.... like I wasn’t good enough to go to that elite school in New York! And she’s right! I’m not!” I shouted, waving my hands up and down again.

Ryder leaned down and gave me a kiss, calming me down slightly. “You’re good enough, Marley.” Ryder whispered, his lips brushing against mine as he talked. “But-but what if I’m not? What will I do?”

Ryder sighed and pulled away, taking out his phone. He bit his lip and began to text someone, refusing to show me who he was texting to. And no matter how many times I asked, “Who are you texting?” Ryder would shake his head and smirk.

Before long, Ryder put his phone away and grabbed my hand. “I have to show you something.” He smiled, kissing my cheek and walking with me down the hallway.

Within a matter of minutes, we reached a classroom and Ryder pulled me inside. In there, Travis was sitting on the front desk with a laptop on one of the tables.

“Hey.” I said with a small smile, gripping the envelope tightly. “Hi, Marls... and Ryder.” Travis smiled, nodding at us two.

Ryder nodded back and dragged me to the seat in front of the laptop, pushing me down and snatching the envelope from me.

He moved it to the side of the table and opened the computer, the room still silent. “Why did you bring me here?” I asked, playing with my ring under the table. Travis went to say something to me, but Ryder looked up from the laptop and shot him a glare before he shut his mouth.

I looked between them and narrowed my eyes. Ryder had this small, devilish smirk on his face that looked so un-Ryder like. And Travis’ face remained neutral, looking up at me every two seconds.

“Someone please tell me what I am doing right here.” I said, hitting the table with my fist. “I am currently panicking over this NYADA letter and you’re taking me to...” I paused and looked over at the laptop screen, looking at the site Ryder was on. “Youtube?!” I shouted. “Are you going to make me look at cats running into windows, because I don’t think that is going to help my situation?”

Ryder chuckled and reached over, shaking my thigh lightly before typing into the search bar. Eyes Open—Marley Rose “Please explain.” I whispered, looking up at Ryder. He bit his lip and looked over at me, loading the first option on the screen.

It was me. At Prom. In my dress. Singing. And the world was able to see it. Oh God.

“Wh-what is that?” I asked quietly, gripping onto the dress. “It’s you, Marls. I didn’t think you were blind.” Ryder joked, putting his arm around my shoulder. “But-but, why’d you put me on Youtube?” I asked, frowning at him.

“Because.” Ryder whispered, kissing my cheek. “So the judges on American Idol would have something to look at it.” He mumbled against my cheek. “What?” I said, pushing Ryder off of me and frowning.

“Okay,” He said, getting comfortable in his seat and smiling over at Travis. “Travis filmed your performance for some reason and then I thought that I might stick it on Youtube to try and get you signed... and then one of these comments said something like This girl is amazing and beautiful... she should try out for American Idol.” Ryder said, holding onto the desk and smiling uncontrollably. “And then I looked on the American Idol website and read that I could send this in and then they could fly you over to the closest audition spot and... bam. You audition there.” Ryder smiled and watched my face, waiting for some kind of change in my facial expression... but I was in too much shock to move.

“I-I-I-“ I stuttered, running a hand through my hair. “Are you okay?” Travis asked. I looked at him and nodded before looking back at Ryder. I smiled and leaped forward, giving Ryder a hug. “Thank you. Thank you.” I whispered, hugging Ryder tightly. “I-I don’t know what to say.”

“It’s okay, babe.” Ryder whispered, kissing my cheek lightly. I pulled away and played with his hair lightly. “Thank you so much, babe.” I said, running my hands over his shoulders.

Ryder nodded and pecked my lips lightly. “You’re welcome. Anything to keep my princess happy.” He grinned and nodded his head. I smirked and tucked some hair behind my ear before the letter caught my eye again.

I turned to face it and took a deep breath before grabbing the letter. I exchanged a look with Ryder, completely forgetting that Travis was in the room with me.

Ryder nodded at me, telling me to open it. I nodded back at him and ripped open the top of the letter and pulling out the numerous forms in there, my stomach feeling heavy and cold.

Dear Miss Marley Rose,

I am delighted to inform you that your audition for NYADA was very great and that I enjoyed watching you singing very much.

I am also proud to inform you that we would love to have you at this academy and we also delighted to say that you have been accepted, and we look forward to having you in our school.

Carmen Tibideaux

I went silent and read the letter over again, trying to see if I was hallucinating. But it was there; in print.

“What does it say?” Ryder asked. I looked over the paper at him before looking back down at the words on the page. “I-I got in.” I swallowed the lump in my throat. Ryder smiled and leaped forward, giving me a giant hug. “I told you. I told you.” He repeated. I kissed his cheek lightly and rubbed his arms up and down.

“Thank you... for everything.”


A/N: Sorry for such a short, rushed chapter. I've been busy for the past day and have been rushing these chapters :) Sorry. The chapters after this will be edited and written better. 


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