Chapter 76 - I Now Pronounce You Husband and Wife

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“Are you getting cold feet?”


“Are you sure?”


“Are you sure?” Angie shouted, placing her hand on my shoulder. “I’m sure, Ange.” I giggled, readjusting my hair and looking at myself in the mirror. “Okay.” She shrugged with a smile, helping me pull out some strands of my hair.

“You look gorgeous.” Angie whispered to me, brushing the creases out of my dress, even though there wasn’t any. “I second that.” Kitty smiled, running into the dim room and looking at herself in the mirror next to me.

The bridesmaid’s dresses, which both Kitty and Angie were wearing, were a light silver colour and strapless- much like my dress. The dress went up to the mid-thigh and was completely straight. The dress was kind of ruffled at the front, with a belt around the hips. It was so simple, yet it looked so beautiful.

“Are you excited, Marls?” Kitty grinned, looking up at me. I nodded and played with my fingers, trying to avoid peeling off the white nail polish. “I can’t wait. I have butterflies.” I whispered, putting my hand over my stomach and taking a couple of deep breaths.

“Everyone’s in the church already.” Kitty smiled, pointing over her shoulder. I nodded and sent her a small, nervous smile, looking at myself in the mirror.

I couldn’t believe that this was me; Marley Rose... about to get married. It was still hard to believe it, actually.

My make-up was done very lightly- with only a light silver eye shadow and only a very thin layer of mascara on my eyes. Other than that, I had no other make-up on. Angie and Kitty were bombarding me a couple of hours back to put on foundation or lipstick, but I refused and ended up play fighting with them.

“You have five minutes, Marls. Five minutes until you’re Mrs. Lynn.” Angie grinned, walking over to a small table behind me and picking up the small tiara and veil, placing it on my head. “Oh, my God. You look so beautiful.” Kitty exclaimed, looking me up and down and touching the veil again. “Thanks, guys, for everything.” I whispered, pulling Angie into a hug from the side.

I pulled away from her and then faced Kitty, giving her another hug. “Starting together, ending together.” I whispered to her. She smiled and nodded, touching my hair again.

“We better get going now, Miss Rose.” Angie smiled, linking arms with me and pulling me out of the dressing room. Kitty followed after me, holding onto my bouquet of white roses and throwing them into my hands.

I was trembling with excitement now; I could barely hold it in. All I wanted to do was scream and jump up and down and cry out of happiness.

Within a matter of minutes, I was standing at the door of the church, staring at the high wooden doors and the golden rusted doorknob. This is it. You’re getting married, Marley Rose.

I took a deep breath and wiped my sweaty hands on my dress, readjusting my veil and my hair. I felt a tear of happiness slip out of my eye and I quickly wiped it away, my hands shaking so hard and fast.

I wasn’t nervous about this; I was just so excited to finally be getting married to Ryder. I’d had this dream for years on end- ever since I met Ryder- and now it was coming true.

All of my dreams were coming true.

I heard faint music playing in my ears and I suddenly perked up, knowing that it was happening right now. My legs shook harder and I was sure I was going to collapse.

The two doors open and I looked around me to see where Kitty and Angie went, but they had disappeared- and I don’t know where they went.

The light was shining through the stain glass window so brightly that I couldn’t see much. The church was quite big and the seats were completely full- and everyone was standing, smiling at me.

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