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“Dad! Dad!” I could hear him shouting from outside. A smile grew on my face. I honestly still couldn’t believe that this had actually come true; Ryder and I were parents. It’s been six years and I still get a weird buzz from saying that word.

After the wedding, Ryder and I set out to make our lives possibly the best they could be; I went to New York with Ryder, where he began school in September and I auditioned for American Idol, just as I had planned.

And to my surprise, I got in. They liked me and my singing... maybe it was because I was singing a song Angie and I wrote over Skype one night. And even more to my surprise... I won that season.

It was a shock to me- it felt like a dream. I don’t even know why I won exactly, but ever since then, my life had changed so dramatically, but it still stayed the same because I had Ryder with me. He was the one thing always pulling me back to reality, telling me this was real.

Ryder hadn’t left my side once during the past couple of years; he was always there for me, like he promised. And he helped me get through everything that life threw at me, and I did the same to him- we were a team.

I remember when I got pregnant the first time, too. Ryder was always insisting on doing everything- I’m not even exaggerating. He was always helping me around the house and making me lunch and dinner and even going out to get me what I was craving. It was so sweet for the whole nine months; he was there.

And then the actual childbirth stage came. It was one of the most painful experiences I’ve ever had, but I’d do it all again... and I did. Both of those times, Ryder was sitting by the side with a scared smile on his face and telling me everything was okay and that it’d be over in a matter of minutes (even if it did go on for hours more.)

I was completely taking Ryder’s calmness and sweetness for granted during that stage; I kept on yelling at him and telling him to go away, but he never left- and I was sure as hell thankful that he stayed.

Life was tough with the baby around, though. Ryder was still dealing with college at the time and he had to work extra hard to nail everything perfectly. And I was the typical stay at home Mom with a twist; I was a celebrity who was recording her own album and trying to nurse a child.

Ryder only just completed college about two years ago, and he was still job surfing- trying to find something he could do to earn more money for us, even though he loved being with the kids every single minute of the day. I was still doing the same old- writing songs and singing them on the radio. My dream had finally come true- I still have to pinch myself sometimes.

The rest of the Glee club had also become pretty successful, too. Kitty somehow got onto Broadway and was now doing a tour of Wicked, Jake was a back-up dancer for Little Mix (I had also met them because of him and I was so happy to finally meet the girls who had given me my Glee club audition song), Angie had some sort of rehabilitation centre set up in Lima for girls and women just like her- girls who didn’t accept themselves and had problems with their lives. The rest of the Glee club of my year, though, I hadn’t heard from in a while and I wasn’t sure where they had gone. I knew that Rachel was on Broadway, too, and that Santana was an actress (I’d seen her on TV a couple of times and started screaming loudly.) But besides them two, I didn’t know what else was happening.

I was too busy juggling my own life.

“Dad! You missed it again!” I heard the cute, 6-year-old voice yell with an over-exaggerated sigh. I looked up from my magazine and blinked, listening to the noises outside. “Sorry, bro. You’re just better than me.” Ryder said with a chuckle. “You were a football player!” He shouted. “College took it away from me!” Ryder argued.

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