Chapter 52 - Marry You

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  • Dedicated to THE SPICE GIRLS (inside joke)

My dreams had changed since Ryder proposed to me- I had dreams of us on the beach, or at school... and ones of our wedding.

It was the best dream I’ve had in a while- definitely beating the ones where he randomly disappeared after singing a break up song with me.

That morning, I practically skipped to school, feeling happier than ever. Angie walked slowly behind me as I ran ahead of her, singing You’re The One That I Want- Ryder and I’s song- under my breath, remembering when we sung that for the school musical.

“Stop being so happy.” Angie called. “It’s unnatural.” She murmured, shaking her head as I turned to face her, walking backwards. “But I can’t help it!” I shouted, stopping in my tracks and walking towards her, stopping her. “Look!” I pushed the ring in her face. “I’m getting married.” I whispered loudly, smiling like a freak.

She chuckled and rolled her eyes, taking my hand. “I still can’t get over it, though. It’s so pretty.” Angie smiled, grabbing my hand and looking at the ring. “I hope Jake buys me one like this.” She mumbled. “So you know Jake’s going to propose to you sometime in the future.” I smirked. “I wish he would, anyway.” She grinned, tucking some hair behind her ear. “But this.” She said, shaking her head. “This. Is. Amazing.” She laughed. “I’m jelly of you.... but I’m also a bit confused and worried about this.”

“Why?” I asked, spinning around and walking. “Finchel.” She nodded. “What?” I said, tilting my head to the side. “How come I know the story of Finchel and you don’t? You should know this.” Angie nodded, poking my shoulder. “I don’t know the story of Finchel.” I shook my head and bit my lip.

“Okay, Finn and Rachel were happy little bunnies and then Finn proposed to her. She accepted and they were still happy little bunnies... and a couple of months later, they split. And then officially the next year.”

“Well, um,” I said, putting my hands in my pockets. Angie nodded. “And I don’t want you being sad over another break up.” She whispered. “Marriage is a bond, dude. It’s much more serious and harder than we think it is.”

“I know, but... I love him. And he loves me.” I whined, stamping my foot and running up the ramp to the side of the school. “I know you guys love each other, but are you ready for this?” She asked, raising her eyebrows. “Yes, Angie. I am ready for this.” I smiled. “Jelly.” I added with a bigger smile. “Stop being Bootyilicious.” Angie told me, pushing the door open and laughing.

“Marley!” I looked down the hall and saw Ryder running towards me, smiling more than ever. I smiled and waited as he came up to me, pulling me into a giant hug. “Hi, gorgeous.” He whispered into my ear, pulling away and giving me a soft and slow kiss.

“Get a room.” Angie sighed. I laughed and rested my forehead against Ryder’s, kissing him quickly again. “Are we going to tell Glee club now? Or this afternoon?” I asked, wrapping my hands around Ryder’s neck. Ryder smirked- with his adorable smirk- and nodded. “Now... and I wanna give you a piggyback there.” He chuckled.,

“Oh, dear God. I’m walking away from you now.” Angie said, looking at her phone and walking away from us. “Does she know?” Ryder asked, turning around and bending over. “Yep.” I chuckled, jumping onto him and wrapping my arms around his neck.

I kissed his cheek from behind and giggled as he walked along the corridors, carrying me on his back and occasionally nearly falling over, making me scream loudly... and people kept on looking at us.

We made it to the choir room, laughing our heads off. The whole room went silent as soon as Ryder set foot in the room, me still on his back.

“This is... different.” Kitty mumbled. “I haven’t seen this in a while.” She said, pursing her lips. I chuckled and jumped off of his back, grabbing his hand tightly and walked to my usual spot in the centre of the room, cuddling into Ryder- I missed him too much.

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