Chapter 68 - NYADA

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“Marley! Come on! Rachel and Kurt and Blaine are waiting!” Ryder called through the door, knocking for the fiftieth time. “I’m coming!” I yelled through the door to the hotel room.

“Oh, my God!” Kitty shouted, sitting up with her hair poking in all different directions. “Just go away! I want to get some sleep. I am stuffed after our after party thing last night!” Kitty screamed, falling back into her pillow and pulling the covers back over herself.

We had this giant after party last night after we won Nationals for the second time. (Yes, we did win Nationals again... it was a pretty victorious moment.) And obviously Kitty was still worn out from the super late night we had.

“Okay, okay, I’m going.” I said, opening the door and shuffling out. “Good!” Angie shouted at me tiredly as soon as I shut the door. “Hey, babe,” Ryder whispered, kissing my cheek. “Hi.” I replied, giving him a hug. “How’s the girl who won us Nationals?” Ryder asked quietly.

I sighed and pulled back. “I didn’t win it. The whole Glee club did.” I said, touching his hair lightly. Ryder smirked and shrugged, kissing my lips again. “Come on, Rachel and Kurt are probably getting impatient.”

Kurt, Rachel and Blaine all decided to drag Ryder and I along to NYADA for a day to show me around and try and convince me that this was a great college to go to. I kind of wanted to check out the place, but then I didn’t want to get any more confused about my future. I was already scared about it; I don’t think I want it to be any more confusing than it has to be.

Ryder and I walked into the foyer, where Rachel, Kurt and Blaine were standing, Rachel impatiently pacing and Kurt looking between his watch and the white clock on the wall.

“Hi, guys,” I said quietly, running up to them with Ryder in tow. “You’re.... two minutes late.” Blaine said in a joking tone, standing up and greeting us. Rachel laughed before her face straightened. “Actually, five minutes.”

I sighed and kissed Ryder’s cheek. “Sorry, but we can go now.” I said with a shrug. “Yes, indeed,” Rachel nodded, darting in front of us and out of the door, Kurt by her side as quick as a flash.

As we walked there, Rachel was standing in front of us, giving me some sort of lecture. “Don’t comment. People don’t appreciate people who they believe are wannabes giving them comments about their performances. And do not, on any circumstances, float away from us because you will get lost.” Rachel said, looking over her shoulder and suddenly stopping in front of the NYADA gates.

“Here we are.” She said brightly, walking through and linking arms with Kurt. I nervously grabbed Ryder’s hand and followed them in, looking around at the college students all dancing and talking to each other. There were couples everywhere all kissing and hugging each other and the occasional couple about to rip each other’s clothes off.

“The outsides of NYADA are for the amateurs; the people who do not take their career seriously.” Rachel said, motioning to a couple sitting on a park bench, touching each other all over. “Example; she used to be my roommate.”

“Before I came here.” Kurt grinned, giving Rachel a hug. Rachel nodded and walked further down the wide concrete path.

“Wow, ew,” Ryder whispered into my ear. “This is too far in public.” He quickly put his hands over my eyes and guided me forward, laughing quietly. “You’re too innocent.” Ryder said, leading me forward while Rachel yelled angrily at us for not concentrating. “I’ve seen you naked, Ryder; I think I’m not innocent anymore.”

“So getting the full Ryder Lynn experience makes you un-innocent?” Ryder asked, taking his hands from my eyes and standing in front of me. “Full Ryder Lynn experience? That makes it sound incredibly dirty.” Ryder winked and leaned forward, kissing me softly. “You know me.” I giggled and skipped forward, holding onto Ryder’s hand.

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