Chapter 50 - What Kind of Fool?

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The next day, after getting barely any sleep, I was tired. I kind of just stumbled through school, barely even focusing on anything that was actually happening.

This morning, Angie had practically forced food down my throat. She was texting someone the whole time, but she wouldn’t tell me who- most likely, it was Jake.

As I walked down the hall before lunch, I felt a light tap on the shoulder and I stopped in my tracks, spinning quickly to face them. I saw Ryder standing there, smiling sheepishly at me. “Um, hi,” He smiled, digging his hands into his pockets and shrugged. “Hey.” I replied.

I decided, since hearing him confess his feelings the other day, that I would try and be a little bit nicer to him. Just a little bit- it didn’t mean I’d be jumping into his arms any time soon.

“Um, how are you?” He asked a little bit louder, shrugging again like he did when he was nervous. “I’m okay, I guess. You?” I murmured back, looking at his shoes. “Yeah, I’m okay.” He shrugged again and looked away, smiling to himself the only slightest bit.

I smiled and looked up at him, staring at his sparkly brown eyes, trying my hardest not to get lost in them. But it’s so hard.

“Um, I better go now and put my stuff away.” Ryder said, breaking our awkward silence and hitting his pocket to check for something. “Oh, okay.” I said quietly, watching as Ryder walked away quickly. “Bye, Marley,” He said, waving and walking down the crowded hallways, taking a look back at me every couple of seconds.

I smiled to myself and ran a hand through my hair, trying to hide my happiness- I don’t know why, but I was happy Ryder talked to me... and I was also happy I didn’t snap or cry.

I clapped lightly, a small smile on my face and walked down the hall, biting my lip to hide one of the first real smiles I’ve had in a while.

When I reached my locker, I hastily opened it and stared at the side of the locker, my heart dropping again as I remembered Ryder and I weren’t together any more.... I knew that before, but the locker door made it a cold, hard thought that burnt my heart.

“Marley!” I looked down the hallway and saw Jake running towards me. “Hey.” I whispered, forcing a small smile at him. “Ryder just high-fived me in the middle of the hallway.” He informed me. “Um, okay?” I said, raising my eyebrows at him and shutting my locker again. “No, he high-fived me. Happily.”

“And I need to know this why?” I asked, frowning and walking down the hall. “Because he’s happy and he hasn’t been happy in a month or two and you’re the only thing that could make him happy.”

“We had a short conversation a couple of minutes ago.” I murmured. “Explains it. And I’m guessing you didn’t yell at him or cry or whatever.”  Jake shrugged. I nodded and laughed to myself, tucking some of my hair behind my ear.

“One thing I’ve noticed is that all day long, Ryder keeps on hitting his pockets... that’s been confusing me.” Jake murmured, looking at the ground as we walked.

“What do you mean?” I asked, looking up at Jake. “During P.E, Ryder kept on patting the pockets on his shorts and he swapped something from his P.E shorts into his jeans and when I asked him what it was, he said it was nothing... but he said it too quickly and too loudly. And we all know Ryder is a terrible liar.” Jake chuckled.

“Odd.” I shrugged, sliding my hands into my jean pockets. “I found it weird too.” Jake nodded. “I’m really curious about what he’s up to, because he is up to something.” Jake pointed his finger at me. “Anyway, I’m gonna go.” Jake smiled, patting my shoulder and turning the corner.

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