Chapter 48 - Made For Lovin' You

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Valentine’s day. The day I used to love is now the day I despise. I was feeling all lonely last year, because Ryder wasn’t with me, but now I’m feeling lonely because Ryder and I have broken up. I feel sick whenever I think about it.

Valentine’s day being next Monday, Mr. Schue set up an entire week where we sing love songs to each other and I’m actually planning on not attending Glee club this week, but I know everyone else will find one way of dragging me there against my will.

That morning, when I walked into Glee club, the walls were covered in love hearts and red banners that read ‘Happy Valentine’s day’.

I groaned and walked to the seats, sitting down glumly at the back of the room- as I do every day. Everyone was bouncing around the room, dancing with each other and smiling unnaturally. I couldn’t help but want to throw up, even though I probably would have been bouncing around if Ryder and I were still together and I was happy.

“Hi, Marley,” I was broken out of my daze by Travis, who I hadn’t talked to in a while. “Um, hey,” I stuttered, twirling my hair. “You’ve not been feeling well since the break up?” He asked quietly. I shook my head and bit my lip. “Ryder’s a douche for breaking up with you.” He told me, nodding his head. “He doesn’t understand how sweet you are.” Travis smiled, leaning down and kissing my cheek lightly. I sent him and smile and sat up straighter, sending him a quick nod.

Ryder suddenly walked in and sat next to me, looking back at me with those sad kitten eyes. I frowned to myself and looked away from him, my heart shattering again.


That afternoon, after school and a completely cheesy Glee club lesson, I was standing at my locker, pulling my bag out, when I saw Ryder shuffle into the nearby locker room.

I shut my locker, leaving my bag in there and followed him, my curiosity getting the best of me. I opened the door, the horrible smell of feet attacking my nose. I held my hand over it and shuffled around until I saw Ryder, sitting at the weights bench, already lifting.

I hid behind the nearest locker and watched him carefully, wondering what exactly he was doing. According to Jake, Ryder had been working out everyday... I’d figure he’d want a break.

He was now sweating profusely and his arms were shaking- how long had we been here? I only thought it was a matter of minutes and he was already worn out.

I continued to stare at him as he closed his eyes tightly, his hair drenched with sweat. I looked closer at him, realising one of his arms was already bleeding from the friction of trying to push up the weights, which were obviously far too heavy for him.

Before I knew it, his hands gave up on the weights and they fell back, making a loud clatter. Ryder cursed loudly as I shuffled behind the locker- out of sight- covering my mouth with my hand to stop myself from shrieking. I was sure I didn’t make a noise, but I heard a loud squeal echo around the room.

“Who’s there?” Ryder shouted weakly. I looked around the locker and saw Ryder staring ahead of him, his eyes almost closed. “Sorry.” I heard a familiar voice say and saw Angie come out of the bathroom section of the room.

Ryder groaned and shuffled in his seat. “What are you doing here?” He murmured, his body facing me, but his eyes on Angie. “Watching you beat yourself up.” She said, sitting next to him and crossing her legs. “You shouldn’t be doing this to yourself.” She mumbled, looking at her lap. “You shouldn’t be beating yourself up over something you know if an accident and you never meant to do.”

“But I hurt Marley.” He sighed, hanging his head back. “You didn’t hurt her intentionally. You just have to remember, Ryder, that Marley is in pain because you’re in pain. She’s sad because you’re sad. She’s also sad you kept a secret, but she loves you... and you love her.”

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