Chapter 24 - It Takes Two

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Kurt and Rachel were perfectionists. For the past couple of weeks, at every single practice we've had, if something wasn't perfect, Rachel and Kurt would demand that we start again. 

When Kurt and Rachel were checking out a local performance of Les Mis, Santana filled in for them and she was being really lazy about it all. She sat and ate popcorn for most of our rehearsal time. And when Ryder said, "I'm not in love with Tracy, I'm in love with Marley," she gave him a thumbs up. Santana didn't really care at all, and it was hilarious.

Despite that, we had the whole thing downpat and it looked and sounded amazing.

Tonight was our first performance, and everyone was buzzing with excitement. I was, too, but I was mainly nervous I'd fall over because I seemed to be doing that a lot lately. 

Rachel was rushing around backstage, trying to get us ready for the performance, which was beginning in an hour. "Ryder, get changed, get changed!" She panicked, pulling Ryder off of the bench he was sitting on - next to me - and ushering him to the changing room. "

You, too, Marley," Kurt said from behind me, grabbing my hand and pulling me up. 

He led me to the costume rack and began filing through the costumes, looking for the one costume I had. "Kitty, Kitty, Cheerio, Cheerio, Fat Amy, Kitty, Angie, Angie, Kitty, Kitty... Marley!" He clapped his hands together once he found my costume. Before he pulled it out and practically threw it at me,  he pushed me to one of the curtains he had set up to be used as change room. 

I stripped down and pulled on the floral dress, zipping it up at the back and walking out of the change room at the same time as Ryder. "I look ridiculous." I told Rachel and Kurt, who were standing in front of us.

"No, you look gorgeous!" Rachel smiled, clapping her hands together before running to find Kitty.

"I agree with Rachel." Ryder smiled, putting his arm around my waist. I blushed and looked at my feet. "And, Marls, look at me."

I looked up at Ryder's outfit - it looked almost identical to the one Link wore in the first scene he appeared. "You just look sexy." I smiled, giving him a light kiss on the lips and bringing my hand up to cradle his face.

"You look sexy in that dress." He murmured against my lips.

I wobbled slightly in the orange heels I wore. "I look a nun." 

"Do nun's wear bright orange dresses?" Kitty snapped with a smile, walking up to us with a bulky dress in her hands. "Nope." Kitty poked her tongue out and walked into the curtain.

"You look gorgeous, Marls, trust me." He laughed, tucking some of my hair behind my ear. 

"Marley Rose, Ryder Lynn!" Santana called, coming up to us with a can of hairspray. "It's Hairspray!" She shouted, spraying us with it and making us cough. "Come, come, hotter Link and skinny Tracy." She chuckled at her own little joke before pulling us away to the hair styling section.


An hour had passed and the production had officially started. I only had one scene, so after I finished that one, I just got to sit backstage and watch the rest of the performance from the sidelines. 

Ryder kept on glancing over at me during the entire play, pretending he was talking to Fat Amy when he was actually talking to me, which made me feel really special. 

I couldn't stop staring at Ryder when he was dancing or moving or even talking. I felt hypnotised by him. I thought he could see me staring, because every time he looked over, he'd give me this adorable smirk and I just wanted to run out on the stage and pull him into a giant hug and kiss him over and over. 

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