Chapter 23

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AN:// Not much left of this story. Thank you to all reading. I'm gonna try this smutty stuff so wish me luck ;) Love you <3

Chapter 23

Why was he crying last night? I paced around my room asking myself this. Was it because I called him a girl? Did he not want me to kiss him in front of her? Did he not want to come out to her himself? I groaned in frustration and threw a pillow across the room, not hitting anything. Luckily. I walked down the stairs bypassing my mother and went straight to the basement where Vic is.

"Vic? You up?" I asked.

"No." He said then pulled the blanket up over his head. I walked over and pulled it down.

"Oh come on now don't be like that." I said. He sighed and sat up. His hair was a mess and he had a line of dried up drool stained at the edge of his mouth. I reached out to move the hair out of his eyes and he smiled.

"Kell, can I ask you a question?" He said. I nodded.

"Only if I can ask you something. Whats up?" I asked.

"What happened after I left last night?" He asked in a sleepy voice.

"Not much. She asked if it was true, I said yes, then I went to my room. That's that." I said. He nodded.

"One more thing. When we met. What made you so drawn to me to ask me to go get tacos with you even though I was a complete douche bag towards you?" He asked. I sighed.

"I don't know. There was just something about you that I found rather intriguing. Not much else. Oh also you're hot as hell so I wasnt about to let you get away." I said. He laughed.

"I guess I am quite a catch." He said. I smiled and kissed his cheek. He blushed.

"There are plenty of fish in the sea. You just happened to be the one that was too rare to throw back in the water. You put up a good fight, but in the end, we both got what we need. And I think thats special. You're my fishy, and I'm not letting anyone or anything get in the way of me and my fishy." I said, not realizing how lame I sounded. He smiled.

"You got me hooked, and being with you is much better than being in that salty ass water that every other fish swims in." He said. I smirked and took his hands in mine. "What dod you want to ask me?"

"Why were you crying last night?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I dont know. I cry a lot for no reason. I wasnt upset, I was actually happy. I can't really control it." He said. I nodded.

"You know I love you, right?" I asked. He nodded.

"I love you too. More than you may realize." He said. I blushed and leaned forward to kiss him. He kissed back just as passionately and moved his hands over to the hem of my shirt and pulled it up to my chest so he could wrap his arms around my bare waist. He pulled me onto his lap so I strattled him. I smiled into the kiss and pulled away.

"Wanna go to my room? It's cozy." I whispered against his lips. He smiled and nodded. I stood up and took his hand and we went upstairs. My mom was in the kitchen.

"Mom, I think the pharmacy called. You have a prescription to pick up." I said.

"I do? God damn it. Okay. Stay safe." She said. She grabbed the keys and left. I giggled and pulled Vic the rest of the way to my room and locked the door. I pushed him against the door and kissed him again, holding his hands over his head. With one swift move he repositioned where I was pressed against the door.

"Babe, I think I'm more dominate here." He said. I smirked and rolled my eyes.

"Fine but you better do a good job." I said.

"When do I not?" He asked, forcefully pressing his lips to mine again. He moved his hands to my waist and found the hem of my shirt. He pulled it up and over my head, throwing it to the side. He moved his lips to my cheek, then my jaw, then a soft spot on my neck. I gasped. I didn't know I had that spot. He definitely left a love mark there. Shaking uncontrollably, I found his shirt and pulled it off. He stepped back to help me. My eyes widened at his toned body. I wanted to knock him down right there. He looked down and smirked.

"Why are you staring at me?" He asked.

"Because you're perfect." I said. He smiled and picked me up, cradling me. I laughed and he dropped me on the bed, him falling on top of me. I giggled and he kissed me again. He sat up and smirked. My "problem" was most likely poking him, but that was okay because his was clearly visible as well. He glided his hand down my chest to the button on my jeans and I grabbed his wrist. He looked at me questioning why I stopped him.

"This would probably be the best time to mention these things but I've never done this and I dont have any stuff." I said. He sighed.

"Does your mom have a boyfriend?" He asked. I nodded and he smirked. He got off of me and walked down the hall to my mom's room. He came back two minutes later holding up a bottle and a package.

"Vic what are you doing with ramen noodle flavor and holy water?" I asked. He laughed.

"No baby. This is a condom and this certainly isn't holy water." He said. My eyes widened.

"Oh is that-" he cut me off with his lips to mine.

"Don't speak unless I'm hurting you." He whispered. I shuddered and nodded. He continued with the button on my jeans and unzipped them. He pulled them off, but it was a bit difficult since they were skinny jeans. He blushed and looked away for a second before looking back at me. I reached for his, but I was shaking badly. He shook his head

"Dont worry about it. I got it." He said, removing his own. He kicked them off and crawled back on top of me. He brought his hands down to the rim of my boxers and looked at me for permission. I bit my lip and nodded. He smirked and slowly pulled them down. I closed my eyes and tried not to focus on it. I heard the cap of a bottle open and close. "Ready?" He asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be I guess." I said. I then felt something enter me. I was embracing for impact but it was better than I expected. Smaller too. I opened my eyes and saw he put in a finger. Then another. I grimaced and laid back down.

"Does it hurt?" He asked. It did, but not as bad as I thought. I shook my head and he continued. He moved them around and that's the part that hurt the most. I had a slight headache but that was the least of my problems. I felt him position himself on top of me between my legs. I closed my eyes again and I heard the package open, then the bottle cap open again. He moved around and leaned down to kiss me. I kissed back, but my breathing hitched as I felt something more than fingers enter me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Mhmm. D-dont stop." I said. He kissed me again, going the rest of the way in. I moaned against his lips then wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. I felt him move out a bit before gently slamming back in. Even though it was gentle I still screamed. He managed to hit a spot that sent shockwaves of pleasure through my body.

"Vic! Oh my God do that again!" I yelled. I didnt think I'd be this loud but you learn something new every day. He smirked and did it again, repeatedly. The feeling felt almost unreal and I lost all control of myself. Cuss words and various moans and screams filled the room until I felt something build up in my lower abdomen.

"I-I'm almost d-done." I panted.

"Me too babe." He said, breathing heavily. I yelped and he sped up. He flung his head back and moaned loudly. I knew he finished but I wasnt quite there. He slowed down, but kept moving. He reached around and grabbed my problem and jerked it quickly. I was done, and it was a mess. He pulled out and fell down on the bed beside me breathing heavily. We both were. He looked over at me and smiled.
"Would you consider doing this agian?" he said between breaths. I looked over at him.

"Definitely." I said. He regained his breath and threw out his used things and cleaned himself up. He pulled his clothes back on and brushed his hair. It took me a while longer but I eventually did the same. I smiled slyly and kissed him gently. Then we heard the front door open. We both laughed and left the room, going past my mom, and down to the basement.

We put a movie on and cuddled until we both passed out.

Do You Still Love Me? (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now