Chapter 2: So you're Jack Frost

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I was walking around this place called Arendale, and I have to admit that the place looks awesome.

Anyways, as I was walking around I suddenly bumped into someone. Wow, who is this girl? She had blonde hair in a french braid and she wore a blue gown with a cape behind it.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir. I wasn't looking while a was going." The woman said.

"Nah, it's cool" I said. She kind of looks familiar, so I asked her what her name is. "Hey, what's your name?"

"I am Queen Elsa of Arendale. But you can call me Elsa. What's your name good sir?" She said politely.

"Oh, I'm sorry your highness." I said smirking. "I'm Jack Frost".

She suddenly looked surprised then she suddenly said

"Hey Jack! Remember me back in college?"

I knew it! She did look familiar!

"Huh? Oh yeah what's up Elsa?"

Then she started blabbing .....

"Oh nothing, just being the queen of Arendale because my parents are gone so I take care of things in the castle now. This all because they had to travel through sea!! Why didn't they take a horse or somethong?! And they knew a storm was coming, why didn't they travel another time?!?!?!?!"

After she was done talking, all I could do was just stand there and stare at her.

O-okay calm down girl.

"Okay?" Was all I could say.

"Sorry for shouting at you like that." She said.

"Let's just change the subject" I said "Umm...... oh wait, where are you going?" I randomly asked.

Way to change to subject Jack.

"Hmm? Oh I'm just going to go to the local mart and buy some food." She said.

"I know it's out of he subject, but I just got curious, why do you take that curved stick of yours everywhere you go?"

What? Curved stick? This ain't no curved stick, it's my staff!

"Huh? Umm, let's just talk about it another time" I said.

"Okay. Well I'll just go buy some food." She said.

"Can I come with you?" I asked.

What the fudge Jack?!

"Umm, sure." She said.

After she was finish buying......

"Hey Jack, my castle has an ice skating rink and I would like to invite to I don't know...... have some fun?" She said.

"Oh sure, if that's okay with you Ms. Queen of Arendale." I said smirking.

"Of course it is Mr. Trouble Maker" she said smirking too.

*sigh* the good old days.

When we arrived back in her castle.....

"Elsa! You're back! I thought you were kidnapped!" I girl came and hugged her

"That's ridiculous Anna" she said.

I laughed behind Elsa, then she smiled at me.

"So umm, Elsa, who is this guy?" The other girl said.

"Oh, how rude of me." Elsa said. "Anna, this is Jack Frost. Jack, this is Anna."

So her name is Anna.

We shaked hands. "It's nice to meet you Jack." She said.

"Jack used to be my classmate back in college." Elsa said.

"Nice curved stick you've got there" Anna said giggling.

Ugh, again with the curved stick!!!

"Umm, thanks." I said.

"Anyways, you guys go ahead. I'll just put these in the kitchen." Elsa said walking away.

"So you're Jack Frost" Anna said grinning.

"Umm, yeah why?" I asked confused.

"Back when you guys were in college, Elsa would always talk about you to me." She said. " she would be like: Hey Anna? Jack Frost this and Jack Frost that. And I kept asking her: who's Jack Frost? But she wouldn't tell me." Anna said.

"Oh, well now you know who I am" I said proudly.

"Uhuh" Anna said smiling.

"Anna, do you mind if I ask you where the bathroom is?" I asked politely

"Oh, not at all. It's the 5th door you see when you enter the castle" Anna said.

"Thank you princess" I said.

When I entered their castle, boy the inside of it was bigger than the outside!

Now Anna, told me it was the 5th door I see when I enter the castle. Ah! There it is.
While I walking there, I suddenly saw Elsa walking to the outside. I noticed that she saw me walking inside their castle.

"Jack, what are you doing inside the castle?" She asked confused.

"Oh, I'm just going to use the bathroom" I said.

"Oh sure. Go ahead." She said, then she went outside.

After I did what I needed to do, I went back outside.

"Hey!" Anna said looking at me. "Come join us in skating"

"Where's Elsa?" I asked

"Oh she's over by the frozen fountain, putting her skates on" Anna said.

"Hey guys" Elsa said. "Oh I just realized that you don't have skates, here." She said giving me a pair of skates.

"Thanks." I said smirking.

"No prob" Elsa said.

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