Chapter 25: Joining the Dark Side

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I woke up to a slight headache. What the heck even happened yesterday? And how did Anna stop Helen? Maybe I should ask Anna.

"Anna?" I knocked on her room door.

"Yes sis?" She opened the door.

"What really happened yesterday?"

"Okay, so this is what really happened yesterday" she explained "while you were fighting with Helen with your ice powers, I told Kristoff we couldn't just stand there. And I've been going to the library more recently. Anyway, I saw this spell to get fire powers. It says in order for this spell to work, I have to recite this poem thingy. And it says that I have to be outside and under the sun, although we felt really bad for leaving you alone there. Once we got back inside, you were already unconcious inside a cage beside Jack's. Obviously I fought her with my fire powers. And we unlocked your cages and...... that's it, we brought you back to the castle".

"Do you mind explaining to Jack?" I asked.

"I heard my name" the door opened.

"Yeah, I just asked Anna what happened yesterday" I motioned him to sit down on the chair.

"So what really happened yesterday?" He asked.

So we explained everything.....

"So how do we get ready for this?''

Anna busted out a book out of nowhere.

''Where did that even come from?" I freaked out.

"Let's just say I borrowed this from the library" she started flipping through the pages. "According to the book, Helen is a girl who once got in a relationship with a handsome boy named Jackson Overland..."

"Wait a minute, Jackson Overland?" I asked. We looked at Jack who was playing around with his staff.

"Just continue" he stopped.

"They had a great relationship for more than 3 years. Until one day, Jackson proposed to her and he decided to make it official. But he got called out to save the day being the guardian that he is and he never returned ever since. She became very sad, angry and depressed for more than 12 weeks and while this was so, a spirit named Pitch Black appeared to her and gave her the evil jewel necklace and gave her the power to make guys like her when she uses these powers" she finished the story.

"Pitch Black?! This was all because of Pitch Black?!" Jack stood up flew out the door in the speed of lightning.

"Umm, okay?" I said and Anna and I continued reading.


I need to inform the guardians about this.

I quickly flew to the North Pole and bursted through the door of the workshop.

"Hey, don't break the door mate" Bunny was leaning against the wall "this will be the 126th time if you did".

"Sorry, but I need to tell you guys something really important" I sat down on the table.

"Who cares about that thing? I need to check on your teeth!" Tooth jumped on me.

"Tooth, let the boy speak" North came out from another door.

''Okay listen" I said "Pitch may be coming back"

"Wait a minute, wasn't he sucked into a hole in the ground?" North asked.

"Well yeah, but that doesn't mean he won't come back" I raised an eyebrow.

Suddenly, black dust covered the globe.

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