A "totally original" idea......

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Hey ice frosties! ♥♥♥ I just had an original idea! (It's not an original idea). I decided to have a Q and A. You can ask me some questions and either I will answer or someone else will.


You can choose from the following to ask:

♥Eicelgirl (me)



♥Helen (she is not mean in real life, this is all just acting :))


♥Aunt Mary

♥Uncle Thomas



♥ Teresa

♥ the guardians (North, Bunny, Tooth)

I may add more characters to my story so you may ask about them as well.


♥You may ask as many questions as you want

♥No bad or mean words please

♥Only the characters in the story (and me) are to be asked

♥ No inappropriate questions please

Don't worry, all your questions will be answered. :))

And yeah that's pretty much it...... Check ya later! ;D

*waits for questions to come*

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