Authour's Note

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Lol! This story is over :/ :(

I hope you enjoyed as much as I did making it. It had some weird stuff and fun stuff.... I just hope it wasn't TOO weird :P

Was that a weird way to end this story? Because I forgot the time Elsa promised Punzie's parents that their daughter would celebrate her birthday in their castle xD

And I think it shouldn't go any further than that. Don't worry, you still have "My Random Life" and "He's Mine, I'm His" (which is not a jelsa story btw xD)

My inspiration to make a TBS story was Maze Runner and some of my friends :) (wassup crankandimmuneTMR xD)

Thank you so much for all the support of this story, they are very much appreciated.

Love you guys so much! See you in my other stories... Check ya later! ;D

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