Chapter 27: The Fight

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"So what do we do about Jack?" I asked as I sat down.

"What can't do anything unless we get out of this cage!" Kristoff replied.

"What just happened?" Tooothiana slowly stood up.

"Give me that hammer!" I shouted and pointed out a hammer just right outside the cage.

Kristoff quickly handed me the hammer and I started hittting the bars with it.

"How can a hammer break the bars?" Kristoff asked.

"I'm not trying to break it, I'm trying to bend it to the side"

"Let me try" North grabbed the hammer from me tried hitting the bars. Its no use....

"Nope, not working" Kristoff sat down.

We all then looked at Jack and saw that he was... slowly thawing?!

"Brrrr, what just happened?" He asked as he dust himself off.

"Wait, I thought you need an act of true to thaw a frozen heart?" I asked confused.

"But he's Jack Frost! It only affects him for 2 hours..... because he has ice powers too" Bunny explained.

"Oh..... right"

"Where did this cage come from?" Jack asked as he looked around it.

"Pitch trapped us in a cage. It doesn't have a keyhole, and we tried to bend the bars with a hammer, but it didn't work" I replied

"Hmmm, what if I freeze it and then you try breaking it with the hammer"

"But I thought you had to use your staff to use your powers"

"Nope" he replied confidently "Elsa may have told you that I can only use my powers when I use my staff, or so she thought"

He flew up to the top of the cage and put his hand on it. It slowly froze the top, then the bars. I quickly got the hammer and hit the bars again. We stood back as it quickly crumbled into a million pieces.

"Yey!!" We all cheered.

"Now how do we get to the bottom of this problem..... starting wih Elsa" I put my hands on my hips.

"Woah. Uh mates, you might wanna check this out" Bunny called out to us.

As we all struggled to look out the window at the same time, we noticed that the houses of Arendale were destroyed and everything was in shatters.

I cried a little "we have to do something!"

"How do we get Elsa back?" Jack looked as worried as I do.

"First, we need to find out where she is" Kristoff said, coveing the window wih curtains.

"Possibly either Helen or Pitch's lair" I pressumed.

"She's most likely to be in Pitch's lair" Jack said and we all ran outside. It looks worse when you look at it in actuallity.

"So where exactly is Pitch's lair?" Kristoff suddenly asked.

"Leave that to me" North said as he took a snowglobe and whispered something, then dropped it "all aboard the portal!"

One by one, we all went inside the portal. After everyone has stepped inside, we were in the middle of a dark dark place.

"Where are we?" Kristoff scatched his head.

"We're in Pitch's lair" Tooth replied, their voices echoing. It's kinda creepy in here. And the only source of light are a few candles and a chandelier with not so bright light.

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