First Question!

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Note: Acey will be the name I will use for this Q and A thingy.

Acey: hey guys!!

Jack: umm hey, aren't we suppose to be making the next part of the story now?

Acey: well yeah, but I've decided that we will all chilax for 3 weeks after all that hard work. ;)

Everyone: YEY!!!

Helen: so what do we do in the mean time?

Acey: while we chilax, I asked my fellow readers to ask some questions. And we will be answering them.

Elsa: *checking part of story* but there are no questions yet.

Acey: don't worry, I will be the one to ask your first question.

Danny: but I thought the questions are suppose to come from the readers.


Everyone except Acey: (squeaky voice) yes ma'am.

Acey: alright then........ I also just wanted to be the first one to ask xD

Jack: okay?

(By the way, Aunt Mary, Uncle Thomas, Pauline, Darren and Teresa will only be joined here if they are asked by you guys. But right now, their not part)

Question: What do you guys like to do during your spare time?

Acey: I'll answer first. Well, it depends. Sleep, read a thick book or read in wattpad xD. I also make stories by writing in actual notebooks and fill up all the pages. I also sing.... a lot.

Jack: yeah, we can hear all the way from your room even though we're here downstairs.

Acey: hey, it's for my subscribers!

Jack: what are subscribers?

Acey: *facepalm*

Elsa: umm, let's just move on. I like to sing as well, I also like reading. What else umm, I like to build ice castles and have snowball fights with Jack and....... that's pretty much it.

Acey: hey Jack, how come you don't complain about Elsa singing when she sings as often and as loud as I do?

Jack: well.... she's Elsa. Besides she has a better singing voice.

Acey: so you're saying that my voice is ugly?! *eyes getting watery*

Jack: no, it's just.......

Acey: *cries* *runs to room*

Everyone except Jack and Acey: *stares at Jack with mad eyes*

Jack: jeez, she can be so sensitive sometimes.

Helen: look who's talking. Anyway, I like to hang out with my friends and gossip about stuff all day. I also like helping Acey with her story ideas.

Danny: well, I guess hang out with my friends as well and fight ghosts if there are any. Well, the evil ghosts.

Jack: what I like to do in my spare time is spend almost the entire day with Elsa and spread fun and cheer around the world.

Acey: okay I'm back

Everyone except Acey: GAH!!

Acey: *takes pictures of their reaction* dang, these are hilarious.

Helen: please don't tell us that you will post that on facebook -.-

Acey: good idea Helen. *selects pictures* (caption: best reaction ever! XD)

Everyone except Acey and Helen: HELEN!!! NOT HELPING!!!!!

Helen: sorry :/

Acey: oh stop complaining, at least now you will be more famous

Danny: yeah, in the wrong ways.

Acey: ........ anyway, is everyone done answering the question?

Everyone except Acey: yup!

Acey: well, let's end this then.

Jack: oh so that's how this works.

Acey: yup. Say bye everyone

Everyone: bye!! :D
Hey ice frosties! Hope you enjoyed that. Please ask your questions in the comments and I will make sure to answer them.

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Thanks for reading. Check ya later! ;D

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