Chapter 26: Good or Evil

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We need to call the guardians...... we have to go to the North Pole!!!

"Kristoff, we need to go to the North Pole!!" I shouted as I got up and ran outside.

"But why?" He asked and we stopped in our tracks.

We looked up at the sky. It was dark filled with dark clouds and black dust and snow suddenly started falling.

"We have to hurry!" I said as I pulled Anna and Kristoff towards the sled.

"But why do we have to go to the North Pole?!" Anna shouted.

"I'll explain on the way, now come on!" We got in and Sven started running.

"So explain!" Anna shouted.

"There are some special people in the North Pole that might be able to help us" I explained.

"And who are these people?"

"The guardians".

"Alright guys, we're here" Kristoff announced once we reached the North Pole.

"Follow me" I said. Kristoff dittached Sven from the sled.

"Wait are you just going to leave your sled there?" Anna raised an eyebrow.

"Yup" he replied.


While we were traveling towards the guardians' place, I watched as the sky grew darker and darker so we started to run.

"Are you sure you know where we're going?" Anna asked.

"Yes!" I shouted.

After a while, we finally reached a place with a sign that says "North's Workshop". I knocked a few times before it opened.

"Hello" a voice said as the door opened.

"Hello, I'm Elsa and this is Anna, my sister and her boyfriend, Kristoff"

"Ahh, you must be Jack's girlfriend" said the man "I am North. Please, come in"

"Uhuh" Anna murmured.

"How may we help you?" North asked as we went in.

"You see" Anna started "Jack is.... not his normal self"

"What do you mean?" Asked a rabbit hopping towards us "hey mates, I'm Bunny".

"He's gone evil!" Kristoff shouted.

"Oh yeah" North sighed.

"And their attacking Arendale, which is my kingdom by the way" I crossed my arms.

"Then let's go!" Bunny pushed us towards the door.

"Hey, where are you guys going?" Asked the flying fairy.

"Who are you?" Kristoff asked.

"I'm Toothiana, or Tooth for short. Now where are you guys going?"

"We have to save Arendale!" Anna shouted.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Anna, this is Elsa and that's Kristoff. Now let's go!" And we all ran out.

North held out a snow globe.

"To Arendale!" He shouted and dropped the snow globe "all aboard the portal!!"

Once we've all stepped in, we were back at the castle.

"So, where do we start?" Bunny asked.

"The throne room!!" Anna shouted and we all ran in the direction of the throne room. Sure enough, once we got there, we saw Jack..... on his knees.

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