Chapter 17: Dun dun dun!!!

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Okay, let's just say that none of that happened. Anyway, we all finished eating after a few minutes.

"Do you mind if I go ahead?" Jack asked before standing up.

"Sure Jack" Elsa replied. Jack then walked away from the dining hall.

"Okay, can we just talk what the heck just happened a while ago outside the castle?" I suddenly asked Elsa a few minutes after Jack left.

"Okay. Let's just say that 4 weirdos went to our castle. A giant man went to Jack and carried him. The winged girl suddenly had a strange and short rant. Then the giant man agrees and they all shout 'happy birthday!' To Jack. End of story" Elsa said with crossed arms. I clapped my hands.

"Thank you thank you" Elsa said and bowed playfully. We continued to talk until we reached my room.
We talked more about them in there.

"So Jack said they were guardians" I said "what in the name of Arendelle is a guardian?"

"Jack!" Elsa shouted and ran out of my room. Yet another 'what the heck' moment.


I knocked on Jack's door.

"Come in!" He called from inside.

I opened it. "Hey, are you busy?"

"No, just playing with snow. Why?" He replied.

"Good, cuz you need to go to Anna" I said staright forward.

"Why?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Just come with me! I don't want an argument Frost" I said. I gave him a 'just do it' look and pulled him from his room to Anna's room.

When we arrived at Anna's room, Jack looked at me confused.

"I still don't get why I'm here" Jack said and tapping his foot.
I whispered something in his ear.

"What the heck? Didn't I already tell you what it was?" Jack said, kind of shouting.

"No you didn't" I said, giving him a confused look. Jack sighed and knocked on Anna's room.

"What the heck Elsa, why did you run away from my room and called Jack?" Anna asked with crossed arms.

"I called Jack to explain to you what a guardian is" I said proudly.

"Oh boy" Anna said with a sigh.

"A guardian is basically someone who protects children from danger. They are the ones that bring kids wonder, hope, dreams, remind them of the good memories and my favorite part.... brings the fun" Jack said and flew around. I gave him a 'remember what you said last time' look. He then stopped flying around.

"Okay thanks!" Anna shouted and closed her door.

"Alright then" Jack said. I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thanks" I said and walked away.


While I was walking, I remembered that one time Elsa and I visited our old proffesor's house. I remembered we were not able to go around the kingdom because of me. So I decided to do that today with Elsa.

"Hey Elsa, do you want to go around the kingdom since we weren't able to last time?" I asked her when she was about to enter her room.

"Sure Jack. I'll just fix a few things then we'll go" she replied and disappeared in to her room.

After a few hours........

"Let's go Jack" Elsa said and closed her door. We then started walking towards the outside of the castle.

"Where should we go first?" Elsa asked as we started walking around the busy kingdom. "Oh yeah! I just realized I had to send a letter to someone. Can you wait here while I go to the postman's office?"

"Sure" I replied. Then she started walking away

(*A/N: and she waddled away, waddle waddle. XD
If you get the reference, you're the best*)

So I walked around some places near the postman's office. I then spotted a girl. She had brown curly hair and she was wearing a pink dress and a blue cardigan. And her shoes were chocolate brown boots. She also has this interesting necklace with a mint green gem. I don't know why but her necklace just looks interesting. She suddenly looked my direction. She smiled and the gem on her necklace glowed and shined on me.

After it was done shining, I suddenly fell in love with her. I suddenly found myself going near her.

"Hey, what's your name?" I asked as I stared in her beautiful emerald green eyes.

"Helen. My name is Helen" she said and grinned kind of evily.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I said kind of quickly with a grin.

"Sure" she said in a innocent voice. After staring at each other for a good 10 seconds, I started saying 'I love you' to her


"Thank you" I said to the man behind the counter.

"No problem" he said with a smile. I smiled back and walked outside the post office.

I then looked for Jack.

"Jack?" I called out for Jack. Maybe he wondered of somewhere.

I started calling for Jack while walking.

"Jack? Jack?!" I started to raise my voice a little.

"Jack?!?! *gasp*" I stopped walking. I saw a guy with white hair wearing a blue hoodie and brown pants and was carrying a staff saying 'I love you' to another girl.

Gah! What just happened to Jelsa?! Will Jack ever get back with Elsa or will he stay with Helen? We'll find out soon. And by we I mean you. This was not meant to offend the Jelsa ship in any way, I support Jelsa to the max (Jelsa ftw!)

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Check ya later ice frosties! ♥

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