Chapter 6: Blame on the heater

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I was walking towards the kitchen when suddenly, I heard some people shout.

"What just happened?!"

So I went outside.

"Umm, hi Elsa hi Jack. What happened?" I asked with a weird face.

Jack suddenly fell on the ground and Elsa jumped.

"Are you guys okay? I know something happened, what's going on here?"

"Uhm" Jack started "Elsa..... just told me something surprising"

"Then why did you shout "what just happened?!" "

"Achoo! Well, achoo! Achoo! Achoo!"

Jack was sneezing to much to answer me.

"You better get back in bed Jack." Elsa said leading him inside the castle.  What the ef happened between those two?

"Now Jack, you stay there okay, I'll just get a cold damped towel. Your temperature is way to high." Elsa said.

When she closed the door, she suddenly saw me staring at her. I could see that she was really surprised. I couldn't help but giggle.

"Woah Anna! Umm, what's up" she said as she walked along the hall, I walked with her.

"So Elsa," I began "what really happened between you and Jack back there?"

Then she stopped on her tracks. "I-I can't explain".

"Just tell me" I said, eager to know what happened.

"You might get surprised when I tell you this. But first, I need to get a damped towel." Elsa said as she walked towards the bathroom. When she was done getting the damp towel I just kept asking her the same question.

"So, what happened?" I nagged.

"Uhm, I don't know why but..... okay, so first, I asked about his staff, then he told the story about how he was a guardian and other stuff. And then after that, we stared at each other for quite a while. He's eyes and mine were just.......... locked. After that long time stare, we........ we......."

"What?!" I asked annoyed.

"We........ kissed" Elsa said with an embarassed face.

I ran out of words to say. "Whoa, never saw that coming." I said, just staring at her.

"It was weird, but it felt good at the same time" Elsa said blushing.

"So, are you guys bf and gf now?" I asked, excited.

"I don't know." Elsa said "Well, I better get this to Jack. His temperature was higher than a while ago, and I don't want it to get even higher".

"Well, congratulation if you two become bf and gf!" I said as I walked towards my room.


Hmm.... will Jack and I end up in a relationship? But do I seriously have to think about this right now?  I'll think about it another time. I have to bring this to Jack.

I finally arrived in my room. After I entered, I quickly walked towards Jack.

"How do you feel Jack?" I asked worried.

He sneezed before he answered me. "I'm fine Elsa, don't worry."

I quickly put the towel on top of Jack's forhead. Then I sat on a chair next to my bed. I know I'm taking care of Jack but, I don't have to do it standing up, do I?

"Elsa" Jack said

"Yes?" I replied

"What do we do about the incident that just happened a while ago?"

"I don't know, but we should just not talk about it right now" I said "for now, I need to take care of you and figure out how you got sick in the first place."

"It's because of the heater"

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"I heard you have freezing powers, so can you make it cold in here, right?" Jack said.

"Oh, well why didn't you say so? That is my specialty." I said with pride. Then made it snow in my room. For a normal person, it would be very cold in there, but the cold didn't bother us so, I don't mind.

"Ahh, that's much better" Jack said with a smile "I feel much better Elsa"

"Jack, can I borrow your staff?"


"Just give it to me" I smirked

"Okay, umm, here you go".

I decided to use his staff becaue it is "his" staff to make it colder in my room. I just think that he might get better faster when I used his staff.

"What was that for?" Jack asked confused

"I just think I should use your staff so you could heal faster" I smirked again. He just smiled.

"But I still don't get it" I said confused "how did the heater make you sick?"

"Well, if the cold doesn't bother us, then the opposite does." Jack explained.

Oh now I remember, that time when I was 13, I got sick because of the heat.

"Makes sense" I said giggling.

Jack suddenly threw a snowball at me.

"Hey, I took care of you, and this is how you thank me?" I said pretending to pout.

"Well you have been staring at the wall for quite a while now so that was just to get your attetion." Jack said with a smirk.

I blushed. "Sorry".


Ah, the cold. It makes me feel so good. Elsa and I just stared at each other again. Oh no, what if it happens again?!

"So Elsa?" I said, breaking the silence "how have things been?" I ramdomly asked. Nice job Jackson.

"Umm, actually great now that you're all better" she said smiling.

Hmm, maybe someday I would ask her to be my girlfriend. Maybe that someday would come soon.

"Jack? Jack? Earth to Jack Frost!" Elsa said.

Damn, what just happen to me?

"Umm, yeah?" I said embarrassed.

"It's time for lunch. Care to join me?"


Elsa led me to their dining hall, and that place still amazes me about how big it was.

"Umm, Jack?" Elsa said walking near the table


"Are you, by any chance allegic to any kind of foods?

"Nope. Why?"

"Just making sure you don't get sick again."

"Aww, that's cute"

"Shut up!"

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