
26 1 4

Thankies to dorky_darling0731 for tagging me in this..... thing.

Facts about me:

1.) I am Filipino and I am 11 turning 12 this year.

2.) I am a huge Jelsa fan (lolz)

3.) I have never been to another country except for the Phillipines.

4.) Strange Magic is my fave movie (what? Don't judge me!)

5.) I wish to be an artist someday (singer and actress lolz)


What would or is the code name of your crush?

Believe it or not, it's Jack Frost or JF for short.... that's it

Hogwarts or Hardvard?


If you could eat one food but it's okay, you'll still be healthy even if it's junk, what'd it be?

Hmmmm..... does ice cream count?

Disney or cartoons?

Disney.... not just because of Jelsa though :)

Your fandom or air?

What does that even mean??

My questions:

If you could live in other countries besides the Philippines, what country would you choose?

If you could get a chance to have a disney character to be a part of your family who would it be and what part of the family?

Jelsa or Hogwarts?

Who is your fave character (not in disney)?

What is the first letter of your crush? :)


People tagging:

dorky_darling0731 (yes I want you to answer more questions)

PhotogenicLady (lolz)

(I have no one else to tag because other of my followers don't use their wattpad anymore :/)


♥ You have to answer the questions I asked (no exceptions)

♥ You have to ask questions after answering

♥ You have to create a creative title

♥ You have to tag 5 people

♥ You have to do it within 1 week.

TEEHEE! okay bye.

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