Chapter 5: Sudden kiss

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What do I do?! I don't know how to handle a situation like this! I mean I have handled the same situation with Anna about 5 times already, but this is different. Jack's situation is different. Well, now I know he has freezing powers, which is good. But the dark side is, when you have freezing powers and you are sick, when you sneeze, you either make snow fall or make snowgies appear out of nowhere.

My thoughts were suddenly intterupted by Anna.

"I'll go back to my room and turn on the heater. It's freezing in here. I hope Jack doesn't have freezing powers." Anna said.

"They don't call him Frost for nothing Anna." I said. "He has freezing powers from his staff, which is sad because he still has to carry this giant staff of his instead of just using his hands".

"What?! Jack has freezing powers?! From a staff! Wow! It's so cold here already! Well, I'll just go to my room now" Anna said in shock. Then she walked away.

I was also about to walk out of my room when Jack suddenly called me.

"Elsa?" Jack said in his soft rusty voice.

For some reason, I get this tingly feeling everytime his says my name. But I have to stay focus right now.


"Can you stay here, with me. Please?"

"Umm, sure. I'll just get some breakfast and then get something for you to eat. You stay there in bed, okay?"


While I was walking towards the dining hall, I was thinking
Heater.... heater...... heater

I kept thinking about Jack and the heater. Maybe it has a connection. I called Teresa, one of the maids.


"Yes Queen Elsa?" She said.

"Jack got the sniffles and his staying in my room so I could take care of him. Can you make some chicken noodle soup please?"

"Oh your majesty, you are the kindess queen I have ever served." She said with a smile.

I smiled back at her. "Thank you".

"I will start on the soup, but what would you like for breakfast your majesty?" She said.

"Hmm, today I would like to have some pancakes with blueberries. I will make my pancakes, you make the soup".

"Are you sure your majesty?"



Pancakes were one of my specialties. I especially like pancakes with blueberries 'cause I just think they go together. After I made my pancakes, I started eating. Teresa suddenly started a conversation.

"So your majesty, when did Sir Jack's sniffles start?" Teresa asked.

"I don't know. I just woke up with him sneezing and sneezing"
I said as I ate a slice.

"Oh, I see. Well did you do something that might have made him tired?"

"No. Well, maybe the ice skating. But he was still hyper after that. Even more hyper than Anna."

"Well, is he allergic to any foods by any chance?"

I didn't think of that.

"You have a point. Oh, what have I done. This was all my fault!" I said with worry.

"Don't blame yourself your majesty. He was the one who did not tell you. And besides, now we know what not to give to Sir Jack"
Teresa said calmly. "Why don't you ask him first?"

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