Chapter 18: Just Best Friends

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I stared at Jack saying compliments at the girl. Tears started to form in my eyes. I ran back to the castle while crying.

Anna was outside the castle looking at the beautiful kingdom of Arendelle. I approached her.

"Hi Elsa!" She said. She then turned to me and frowned. "What's wrong big sis?". She went closer to me and hugged me and stroke my back. "Come on big sis, tell me what's wrong".

I pulled away from her hug and wiped away my tears.

"Jack. He... he...."

"He what?"

"He's in love with another girl" I said, kind of shouting and cried even more. Anna frowned and continued to stroke my back. She then grew angry.

"Where the fudge is Jack?!" She shouted.

I knew I can't lie to Anna, especially when she's angry. "He's in front of the flower shop" I said and wiped more tears from my eyes. Anna grabbed my arm and she pulled me outside of the castle. I then led her to the flower shop. Once we were there, she let go of my hand and approached Jack.


I can't believe Jack would do this to my big sis!!! I thought he cared for her. I thought he wanted to be with my sister!
My anger grew more and more as I let go of Elsa's hand and approached Jack.

"Excuse me Sir. Frost!" I shouted literally at his ear.

"Gah!" He shouted and held his ear "what was that for Anna?"

"*gasp* are you okay babe?" Said the girl he was talking to.

"Stay out of this!" I shouted at her and pushed her to the ground. I then turned back to Jack.

"We need to go back to the castle! NOW!!!!" I shouted and pulled Jack (at his ear) to the castle. Elsa followed closely behind. The girl was able to catch up with us while shouting "give that boy back to me!" I stopped running and kicked her until she fell to the ground. I then continued to run while pulling Jack to the castle with Elsa close behind. The girl finally stopped following us.

"What the fudge Anna!!!!!" Jack shouted when we arrived the outside of the castle.

"Oh so you're mad at me!" I shouted and let go of his ear rapidly.

"Whatever did I do to you to make you rage like this?!" He shouted back.

"How. Dare. You. HURT MY SISTER LIKE THAT!!!!!!" I shouted at his ear.

(*A/N: Geez, I'm so obssesed with Jack's ear*)

"Whatever did I do to your sister?!?!" Jack shouted back while holding his ear (again).

"I thought you loved my sister. I trusted you to care for my sister, and now you just leave her for this stranger?!" I said and pushed Jack towards the door. Rage was just flowing through my veins.

"Since when did that happen?" Jack asked and pushed me back.

"Don't you remember being Elsa's boyfriend?" I asked kind of calming down, but rage was still with me.

"No, I never was Elsa's boyfriend! I was always with Helen, the girl you kept hitting. Anna, you should think before you speak" he said, pushed me until I fell to the ground and flew away.

(*A/N: Let's just say that Hellen can see Jack and that Jack doesn't remember being with Elsa after the "shining necklace" incident*)

I was left there shocked. I turned to Elsa to see her crying even more. I approached her and hugged her. We stayed like that for a while.


That was the weirdest thing ever.

I never remember being with Elsa. I just remembered that we were friends. Anna is so weird.

"Are you okay babe?" I asked Hellen when I saw her standing infront of the flower shop again, holding her leg.

"My leg kind of hurts, but other than that I'm fine" she said and smiled reassuringly.

I examied her leg. It had some scratches. I treated them with my ice powers.

"Thanks babe" she said and hugged me. I decided that we go flying, so i lifted her up and started flying

"Gaaaaahhh!!! What's happening?" She shouted and started shaking.

I giggled "Babe, don't be scared, we're just flying. Oh yeah, I didn't tell you that I have ice powers and that I can fly".

"You can do those things?! Gaaahhhh alien!!!!!" Hellen strted shaking even more.

"Girl, you crazy. I'm not an alien, I'm just a human guy who got his powers by accident" I explained with a 'who cares' tone.

"Wow, well this will take time to gt use to. But that's amazing!!! You are the best bf I could ever have". She finally stopped shaking and hugged. After flying for a while, she fell asleep in my arms.

She looked so cute when she was asleep. After another 5 hours of flying, I finally went down to the ground and woke her up. She finally woke up after another wake up call. She said good bye to me and started walking away. I watched her walk away as the sun sets. I flew back to the castle after that.

When I arrived at the castle doors, Anna was at the door, looking at me with mad eyes and crossed arms. I gave her a confused look and flew away. When I was flying to my room, I spotted Elsa.

"Bro hey!" I greeted Elsa.

"Hey dude!" She replied and we high fived.


I cried in my room thinking about Jack being with another girl. Then suddenly, my memories changed. I now remember that Jack and I are best friends. I saw Jack walking along the hall when I went out of my room.

"Bro hey!" He said and smiled

"Hey dude!" I replied. Then we high fived.

''So was your day?" I asked.

"Oh well, I spent some time with my girlfriend, Hellen. Just took her flying. Her reaction was priceless! She told me I was an alien" Jack laughed. I laughed with him. We both went inside my room and continued chatting. After a while, a knock came from my door.

"Dinner is ready your majesty" said the voice from the door.

"Okay" I said. Then Jack and I went to the dining hall.

While we were walking, there was this voice at the back of my head saying "we and Jack were more than best friends. Tell him that you love him!!!" But of course I wouldn't do that since he has his girlfriend and we were just best bros.

We arrived at the dining area and I asked Jack to tell me more about his girlfriend.

"Well" he started "she has long brown curly hair, her skin color was the same as yours and she had emerald green eyes."

Our food was served a few minutes later by Pauline, Teresa and the other servants. After our meal, Anna quickly ran away from the dining hall.

"What's her problem?" Jack and I asked at the same time.

After a while of chatting in my room, we decided to call it a night.

"Good night Jack!" I said before he closed the door.

"Good night Elsa" he replied. He then went back inside of my roon and hugged me. Then he went out of my room and closed my door.

I layed down on my bed. Then a thought kept popping in my head. Were Jack and I really more than just best friends?

Hooray for another chapter! Hope you liked it!



Check ya later ice frosties! XD

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