Chapter 21: Poor Jack

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Huh, haven't seen Elsa in a while today. Maybe I should check on her.

As I was walking towards Elsa's room, I bumped into Jack, who was not looking where he was going.

"Hey, have you seen Elsa?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's in her room sleeping. She's not feeling well at the moment" Jack said with a worried face.

"Oh okay. Thank......" I was cut off.

As I was about to thank Jack, we heard the door of Elsa's room open.

"Pauline!" She called out.

"Yes your majesty?" She replied.

"What time is my meeting with the king and queen of Corona?"

"At 4:45 your majesty".

"Ok, thank you".

Elsa then went back inside of her room. How is she going to attend her meeting when she has a cold? She won't even be able to think straight!

Jack then flew to Elsa's room. I followed him but didn't enter Elsa's room.

"Hey, I told you to stay in bed"

"But Jack, this is a serious and important matter. I can't let them down. And I don't care if I have a cold. I can move around like a normal human being even with headache and a sore throat and....." Elsa was cut off

"I'm not saying you can't move normally when you're sick. What I'm is that you should stay in bed and get better. You have been staying up all night lately and you deserve the rest".

"But Jack, its my duty as the queen of Arendale. Maybe you forgot that I'm a queen too. I have responsibilities to the people of Arendale and to other kingdoms. Jack, just let me go!"

Elsa then walked out of her room wearing a very nice purple gown. Her hair was styled differently than it normally is.

"I just don't want you to be more tired than your already feeling right now" Jack said worriedly.

"Don't worry about me Jack, I'll be fine. You take care of yourself so you won't get sick again. Dang, you get sick so easily. Remember to rest from time to time and and don't overwork yourself" Elsa said.

"I will. Stay safe" Jack said and kissed Elsa on the cheek.

"I will" Elsa nodded and left.

We watched as Elsa stepped inside of the carriage and rode away.

"I feel so worried about her" Jack said and walked back inside the castle.

"Wow, that's so unlike you" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Hey that's what Elsa said"

"Oh really?"


"I don't care!"


I hope Elsa's okay. She'll be okay, she's Elsa.... but still


After a few hours, we finally reached the destination of the meeting. But just sitting there made me feel really sick.

"Thank you for meeting us here Queen Elsa" the queen of Corona said casually and we shook hands.

(A/N: could someone tell me the name of Rapunzel's REAL parents?)

"Yes, of course Queen of Corona. So what are going to discuss today?" I said, trying to sound like I'm fine.

"Oh please Elsa, just call me Aunt Mary. After all, we are all family. Are you okay dear?" She asked worried.

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